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Work Item Handler (WIH)

Create a WIH v7 procedure

Work Item Handler - the old good way

Create a WIH project

  • create a plain Maven project

  • add dependencies

  • implement a class that extend org.kie.api.runtime.process.WorkItemHandler

Consume the WIH

In the kjar:

  • define it in the wid file (just for the editor sake)

        "name" : "YourWIH",
        "displayName" : "YourWIH",
        "category" : "your wih",
        "description" : "",
        "icon" : "defaultservicenodeicon.png",
        "parameters" : [
            "Param1" : new StringDataType(),
            "Param2" : new StringDataType()
        "results" : [
            "Result" : new StringDataType()
  • add the dependency in pom.xml

  • define it in the kie-deployment-descriptor :

            <identifier>new com.sample.YourWIH(ksession)</identifier>
  • workitem handlers can be initialized with the following parameters:

    • ksession
    • taskService
    • runtimeManager
    • classLoader
    • entityManagerFactory
    • kieContainer

Source: KModuleRegisterableItemsFactory

  • In a SpringBoot context it's possible to delegate the WIH registration to the framework:

    • Use a Spring bean identifier:

    • Annotate the WIH class:

      public class MyWorkItemWorkItemHandler extends AbstractLogOrThrowWorkItemHandler {

Further info: registering custom tasks

Custom icons for WIH

If you add the WIH in WorkDefinition.wid the icon should be included in the global folder of the project.

Otherwise, if you create another wid file you can add the icon everywhere in the resources folder.

Service Task

  • Service implementation: Java or Webservices (to avoid webservices, because there are more options with "Web Service" WIH)
  • Service interface: fully qualified Java class name
  • Service operation: name of the method (static method)
  • Assignments:
    • input must beParameter
    • output must be Result

Example of method implementation:

	public static Object call(Object param) throws Exception {

		return param;

Handling input/output parameters

  1. Edit data I/O (assignments)
  2. Add the following data input and assignments:
Parameter String info
ParameterType String java.lang.String
  1. Add the following data output and assignments:
Result String info

Internal implementation:

Work Item Handlers out of the box

        <identifier>new org.jbpm.process.instance.impl.demo.SystemOutWorkItemHandler()</identifier>
        <identifier>new org.jbpm.process.workitem.bpmn2.ServiceTaskHandler(ksession, classLoader)</identifier>
        <name>Service Task</name>
        <identifier>new org.jbpm.process.workitem.webservice.WebServiceWorkItemHandler(ksession, classLoader)</identifier>

Call a REST service

Enable your project to use the REST work item handler (aka Service Task):

  1. Open the project Settings > Service Tasks

    service tasks

  2. Click Install button for the Rest service task

  3. Insert username and password for the rest basic authentication. You can override those value for a specific call

  4. Save the configuration

Optionally, check the configuration details in Settings > Deployment > Work item handlers

work item handlers

The value for Rest should be:

new"username", "password")
  1. Add the dependency


Use the REST Service Task

  1. Open or create a new Business Process

  2. From the palette select the Service Tasks drawer (the gears icon)

  3. Drag and drop the the REST task on the process diagram

    palette rest

Configure the assignment

  1. Select the Rest task

    rest process

  2. From the Properties panel select Assignments to configure the Rest task behaviour:


    Data Input:

    • Url - resource location to be invoked - mandatory
    • Method - HTTP method that will be executed - defaults to GET
    • ContentType - data type in case of sending data - mandatory for POST, PUT
    • ContentData - actual data to be sent - mandatory for POST,PUT
    • ConnectTimeout - connection time out - default to 60 seconds
    • ReadTimeout - read time out - default to 60 seconds
    • Username - user name for authentication - overrides one given on handler initialization)
    • Password - password for authentication - overrides one given on handler initialization)
    • AuthUrl - url that is handling authentication (usually j_security_check url)
    • HandleResponseErrors - optional parameter that instructs handler to throw errors in case of non successful response codes (other than 2XX)
    • ResultClass - fully qualified class name of the class that response should be transformed to, if not given string format will be returned

    Data Output:

    • Result: the target DTO (a.k.a. Data Transfer Object: a Java Object that will be used to map the data send from and by the rest service)

Other Rest integration details

If you want disregard some json properties, add the following annotation to the Java DTO:

@org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)

This will say to the JSON mapper engine to ignore the JSON properties that are not present in the DTO, otherwise you'll get an exception. Indirectly import all json libraries:


Define the property name:


Dealing with the Content Type header property

Usually, REST service should declare how they serialize the data through the Header property Content-Type that in most case will assume the following values:

  • application/json
  • application/xml

Some REST services return a more complex Content-Type to add more details.

E.g. Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

Warning information for version 6.4

Unfortunately, the standard REST Workitem handler (WIH) is not able to handle this situation. Here you will found a modified version of the WIH that address the problem.

Improved REST WIH


Issues with https

How do I use the REST Service Task for SSL enabled REST service in BPM Suite 6?

Web Services

create a maven project

copy the WSDL in the resources folder

create in the project root the jaxb-bindings.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
	xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:xjc=""
	elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
	jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes="xjc" jaxb:version="1.0">
				<xjc:serializable />


$ <EAP_HOME>/bin/ -b jaxb-bindings.xml -k -n -s src/main/java/ src/main/resources/POCJBSS.WSDL
$ rm -rf output


  • URL = http url for WSDL
  • endpoint = location of soap:address
  • mode = SYNC
  • interface = name of portType
  • operation = name of operation
  • namespace = targetNamespace

Not wrapped types

Some webservices uses bare type (not wrapped), so in order to match the service signature you have to transform the wrapper class in an object's array.

requestArray = new Object[] {

self signed certificate problem


AMQ Streams (Kafka)

Send message - Workitem Handler


new org.jbpm.process.workitem.kafka.KafkaWorkItemHandler("bootstrapServers", "clientId", "keySerializerClass", "valueSerializerClass")

Input parameters

  • Topic (String)
  • Key (Object)
  • Value (Object)

Output parameters

  • Result = "success" (always)

Consume events from Kafka by Signal or Messages Events

As part of the integration story with AMQ streams one of the capabilities should be to have a kie-server extension that could listen to a Kafka topic and act upon the events received, using Start or Intermediate Catch Events (Signals/Messages).

Kie server extension:

Send Events to Kafka via intermediate events or end events

Sending Process Internal Events to Kafka

The user would like to receive events with the information of a process instance execution, some example for this events could be completed task, completed process, started task, etc. The engine should have a configurable listener that could emit those events when the actions occur connecting to an external AMQ Streams topic


Test emails:

Fake SMTP server/client

Send Mail Task

Configure at project level the WorkitemHandler:

  • Open Project Editor > Deployment Descriptor

      new"localhost", "8086","me@localhost","password")

Human task notifications

Detailed information in: Human Tasks


Exception Handling Strategy

  • COMPLETE - it completes the service task with the variables from the completed subprocess instance - these variables will be given to the service task as output of the service interaction and thus mapped to main process instance variables
  • ABORT - it aborts the service task and moves on the process without setting any variables
  • RETRY - it retries the service task logic (calls the work item handler again) with variables from both the original service task parameters and the variables from subprocess instance - variables from subprocess instance overrides any variables of the same name
  • RETHROW - it simply throws the error back to the caller - this strategy should not be used with wait state subprocesses as it will simply rollback the transaction and thus the completion of the subprocess instance

Exception Handling Strategy Usage Example


Event emitters

The most effective way to store the runtime events is to leverage the event emitters.

NoSQL enters jBPM ... as an experiment ... so far Elasticsearch empowers jBPM