Syntax to add variables in subject or description
Escalation for Artwork Processing #{defaultDataInput}
In a multi instance loop the human task description can access to the instance data: #{miDataInputX}
Users are listed in the following file:
Roles are defined in the following file:
It's possible to override the authenticated user, performing all task operation declaring a different users than the authenticated. The following property affect the kieserver:
<property name="org.kie.server.bypass.auth.user" value="true"/>
In such way, the authentication is bypassed and the userid can be overridden.
User/group information obtained via callbacks
Callback = implementation of interface
- org.kie.api.task.UserGroupCallback
- org.kie.internal.task.api.UserInfo
UserGroupCallback methods are:
boolean existsUser (String userId);
boolean existsGroup (String groupId);
List<String> getGroupsForUser (String userId);
The default implementation DefaultUserInfo reads the configuration from:
Example content:
Luke\ [email protected]:en-UK:luke
It can be changed in EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/WEB-INF/beans.xml
DefaultUserInfo implements UserInfo methods:
String getDisplayName (OrganizationalEntity entity);
Iterator<OrganizationalEntity> getMembersForGroup (Group group);
boolean hasEmail(Group group);
String getEmailForEntity (OrganizationalEntity entity);
String getLanguageForEntity (OrganizationalEntity entity);
Instead of using the task properties pane, user assignment can be done using Task input parameters:
- ActorId
- GroupId
- BusinessAdministratorId: users that can manage the task life cycle, change it reassign.
- BusinessAdministratorGroupId
- TaskStakeholderId: can view and modify the task (not claiming, etc)
- ExcludedOwnerId: users that cannot see and perform the task
- RecipientId: notification receiver
By default the user task administration is in charge of user: Administrator
and group Administrators
This configuration can be changed using the following system properties:
The user that started the process instance can be retrieved using the process variable initiator
In order to statically refer it, declare it in the process definition: initiator
as String
it's possible to define a strategy for user distribution. One of the most common practice is distribute the task according the workload: the user with less task assigned will receive the new task.
[](How to configure human task assignment logic, using PotentialOwnerBusyness, BusinessRule or RoundRobinin strategy in RHPAM 7?)
- jbpm-human-task/jbpm-human-task-workitems/src/main/java/org/jbpm/services/task/wih/util/
- jbpm-human-task/jbpm-human-task-core/src/main/resources/operations-dsl.mvel
It's possible to specify a DueDate
as parameter following ISO standard duration format.
- 3 hours, 30 minutes: 3H 30M
- 1 day: 1D
- 1,500 milliseconds: 1500MS
represents a duration of "three years, six months, four days, twelve hours, thirty minutes, and five seconds".
Same format used in Expiry Delay:
Regular expression: ([+-])?((\\d+)[Dd])?\\s*((\\d+)[Hh])?\\s*((\\d+)[Mm])?\\s*((\\d+)[Ss])?\\s*((\\d+)([Mm][Ss])?)?
Wikipedia duration standard format
The second task in the swim lane is assigned to the same user that performed the previous task.
AbstractHTWorkItemHandler AutoClaim
When you use JAAS Identity Provider, auto claim does not work if the previous task was out of the swimlane (it was performed by another user): in the log you'll find a permission error:
WARN [] (default task-22 ) User ... is not allowed to auto claim task due to permission violation
This is caused by the fact that JAASUserGroupCallbackImpl can retrieve groups just for a logged user. This usually is not a problem in a production environment where you rely on other identity providers (e.g. LDAP). To test the capability in a development environment, there are 2 possible workarounds:
- Configure the user registry to leverage a property file
- Change the process to set the
for all the Human Task that follow the first one in the swim lane.
Forward operation forwards the task to another organization entity. The WS-HumanTask Client MUST specify the receiving organizational entity. Potential owners MAY forward a task while the task is in the Ready state.
Delegate operation assigns the task to one user and set the task to state Reserved. If the recipient was not a potential owner then this person MUST be added to the set of potential owners.
In short, from the practical point of view. Delegate is to change the task owner. Forward is to remove one user and add another user in PotentialOwner.
Further information in Human Task specification
RHPAM security is based on the underling Application Server security (JAAS). In the basic configuration the Human Task Manager relies on the same user registry, there are some limitation of this configuration:
- user lacks of some information: the locale, the email address and the extended name
- groups are implemented using JAAS roles, so the group structure is flat.
- for security reason, it is not possible to enquire freely the user / group relationship
This configuration could be sufficient in some basic scenarios, but those, who want to exploit the full capabilities of the Human Task Manager, have to rely on one the following configurations:
- DB
- Custom
For development / testing purposes are available even:
- Properties
The configuration relies on the following system properties:
that can accept the following values:ldap
that can accept the following values:ldap
When custom
is selected, the following further system properties are required:
the class name of the custom implementation of theUserGroupCallback
the class name of the custom implementation of theUserInfo
This configuration is useful for demo / development environment:
<property name="" value="props"/>
<property name="" value="props"/>
<property name="" value="classpath:/"/>
The property callback is implemented by JBossUserGroupCallbackImpl
and expects this file
in the default application server config dir (System property: jboss.server.config.dir
The format of this file is as follows:
By default the user information file is expected in the kieserver WEB-INF/classes dir. Constructs default UserInfo implementation to provide required information to the escalation handler. following is the string for every organizational entity
members are optional and should be given for group entities
[email protected]:en-UK:john
[email protected]:en-UK:mary
[email protected]:en-UK:krisv
[email protected]:en-UK:Administrator
[email protected]:en-UK:Crusaders:[Luke Cage,Bobba Fet,Tony Stark]
Knights\ [email protected]:en-UK:ACrusaders:[Bobba Fet]
Wrong\ [email protected]:en-UK:Wrong Crusaders:[Darth Vader]
[email protected]:en-UK:Nobodies:[]
Through mvel callback implementation is possible to provide user
Version 6.x Business Central runtime:
In Business central you have to edit CDI config<EAP_HOME>/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/WEB-INF/beans.xml
In version 7, the runtime is hosted in the kieserver:
In kieserver, add this system property:
then add this file
usersgroups = [
new User('donato') : [new Group( "developer" ), new Group( "manager" ), new Group( "Administrators" )],
new User('supplier1') : [new Group( "user" ), new Group( "supplier" )],
new User('supplier2') : [new Group( "user" ), new Group( "supplier" )],
new User('supplier3') : [new Group( "user" ), new Group( "supplier" )],
return usersgroups;
- Create a custom tables to store user data :
You need to create custom table which will store the user details like password and roles/groups. Please find below sample create table query which I have used.
create table USERS (username varchar(20), password varchar(20));
create table ROLES (username varchar(20), user_role varchar(20));
- Create a custom security domain :
You need to create your custom security domain which will fetch the user details from the database. Please add below custom security domain in your standalone*.xml file.
<security-domain name="testDB">
<login-module code="Database" flag="required">
<module-option name="dsJndiName" value="java:/MySqlDS"/>
<module-option name="principalsQuery" value="select password from USERS where username=?"/>
<module-option name="rolesQuery" value="select user_role, 'Roles' from ROLES where username=?"/>
<login-module name="KieLoginModule" code="" flag="optional" module=""/>
Once you add this security domain, then add the security domain mapping in the jboss-web.xml file in both business-central.war and kie-server.war file.
You can find the jboss-web.xml file at path : JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml
Please refer below example with respect to above security domain.
By default the value for this is "other". You need to change it to your custom security domain name. Please make sure you will keep only one security domain configuration in jboss-web.xml file. Also add the username and password for process server in standalone*.xml. This user should have the kie-server role assigned. Add below system properties in you standalone*.xml file.
<property name="org.kie.server.controller.user" value="testUser"/>
<property name="org.kie.server.controller.pwd" value="admin@123"/>
My testUser has the admin and kie-server role already assigned.
- Add JNDI and user fetching details for user info :
This configuration is required as we are making the custom authentication so it will help us to get the user details while task assignment.
You need to add the datasource JNDI and user query in JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments/kie-server.war/WEB-INF/classes/
Add below properties in
file. user_role, 'Roles' from ROLES where username = ?
This jndi value should be the same value which you used in custom security domain.
- Configure user group callback
set system property
create file named
in the root of the class path (/JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments/kie-server.war/WEB-INF/classes/)
define your queries and data source:
- - JNDI name of the data source to be used for connections
- db.user.query - query used to verify existence of the user (case sensitive, expects a single parameter on position 1)
- db.roles.query - query user to check group existence (case sensitive, expects single parameter on position 1)
- db.user.roles.query - query used to collect group for given user (case sensitive, expects single parameter on position 1, retrieves group name from position 1 of returned result set)
- Add bypass user authentication and usergroup call back property in standalone-full.xml :
<property name="" value="DB"/>
<property name="org.kie.server.bypass.auth.user " value="true"/>
Assignment rules are rules executed automatically when a Human Task is created or completed. This mechanism can be used, for example, to assign a Human Task automatically to a particular user of a group or prevent a user from completing a Task if data is missing.
Create a file that will contain the rule definition on the Business Central classpath (the recommended location is DEPLOY_DIR/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/):
default-add-task.drl with the rules to be checked when the Human Task is created default-complete-task.drl with the rules to be checked when the Human Task is completed
The user Administrator
and all users in the group Administrators
, can see and manage all the task. (This name can be configure through these system properties:
In order to define a specific administration group for a task, the developer has to define either BusinessAdministratorId
or BusinessAdministratorGroupId
as task input parameter.
If a task define the ExcludedOwnerId
, this user is removed by the potential owner list.
Example of notification configuration:
Tech note on how to define a custom notification listener:
This is the interface, where you have many information about the task the passed the deadline:
A possible library to implement HTML templates:
Task details in boundary events
And why not to rely on potential owners and excluded owners that come with WS-HT spec that we do have support for?
the first task that is completed returns ActorId
data output that represents the actual onwer who completed the task, then map this to variable and use on next task as excluded owner (via data input mapping, parameter name: ExcludedOwnerId
) so when you query for tasks (via task service queries that take into consideration excluded owners) you won’t see that task and thus won’t be able to work on it.
It cannot implemented to a couple of issues.
- See more on case management chapter
- processInstanceId
- processSessionId
- workItemId
- expirationTime
- taskId
is an HashMap with the Task Input Parameters
Process variables are accessed with #{variable}
and task variables are accessed with ${variable}
Source class:
EmailNotificationListener - github
To use notification in human tasks, you need email information for users. In development environment, you can easily provide such information with property based user registry.
System properties:
<property name="org.kie.mail.session" value="java:jboss/mail/jbpmMailSession"/>
Mail session configuration:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0'">
<mail-session name="default" jndi-name="java:jboss/mail/jbpmMailSession" >
<smtp-server password="password" username="user" tls="true" outbound-socket-binding-ref="mail-smtp"/>
SMTP host and port:
<outbound-socket-binding name="mail-smtp">
<remote-destination host="" port="587"/>
Keep sending emails if some email addresses are incorrect:
<mail-session jndi-name="java:/mail/jbpmMailSession" from="[email protected]">
<custom-server name="smtp" outbound-socket-binding-ref="mail-smtp">
<property name="mail.smtp.sendpartial" value="true"/>
It's possible to override or add extra listeners using the following system properties:
** PR sent to fix the name typo **
If mail/jbpmMailSession
is not found, jBPM searches /
in classpath. The content should be like:
[email protected]
[email protected]
- Can define business calendar in JBoss BPM Suite
- Allows for custom definitions of work days, work hours, holidays
Implement: org.jbpm.process.core.timer.BusinessCalendar
public long calculateBusinessTimeAsDuration (String timeExpression);
public Date calculateBusinessTimeAsDate (String timeExpression);
Business calendar deployment configured in <environment-entries>
section of kie-deployment-descriptor
Runtime error when completing a task:
ERROR [org.jbpm.runtime.manager.impl.error.ExecutionErrorHandlerImpl] (default task-21) Unexpected error during processing :
Caused by: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: only whitespace content allowed before start tag (...)
This error can be caused by a wrong data output association. E.g. String -> Complex type