conversation scrapper for ceo, yahoo finance and eventually stockhouse ( eventually)
Half working scrapper, will FIX TESTS LATER.
Since I have been very good at keeping up at conversations, I will make the initial package only scan yahoo finance pages.
dotnet new console -o ConScrap.Cmd
dotnet new classlib -o ConScrap.Scrap
dotnet new classlib -o ConScrap.Render
dotnet new classlib -o ConScrap.Tests
After run
dotnet tool install -g mlnet
for mlnet
To run:
dotnet run --project ConScrap.Cron
To run tests:
dotnet test ConScrap.Tests --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage"
- Discord Integration (send yahoo comments that meet criteria to discord)
- Save yahoo comments as csv (equal means same author and description)
- Github actions workflow (cron)
- Cli Interface for cron (to run manually? - could also use codespace)
- Add templating for discord and html