Welcome to the NewsFeedSampleApp wiki!
This is a sample application I created as a demonstration of the newsfeed gem, as well as a sample of my code styles.
NewsFeed Sample Application Demo Site
- I wrote all the CSS , controllers, and slim. This does not include some of the plugins I used like DataTables or Chosen.
- Before I start implementation, I always like to do a mockup of the page.
- I believe in writing tests, not only for test driven development, but also for solidification of the feature and bug fixing. Controller RSpec Example and Cucumber Example
- The News Feed Gem that I wrote is included in this app.
- This sample app is deployed as a mountable engine on my website, also built using Ruby on Rails.
- This is a scaled down version of the news feed I developed for Quosap, which includes significant more customizations and email handling.