generic/pulsar-specific interface to the sky model for computing:
- sky temperatures (Global Sky Model)
- dispersion measure (from distance)
- distance (from dispersion measure)
- astropy
- global sky model python interface pygsm (note: you might want to use this fork of pygsm as it eliminates loading matplotlib when not needed)
- numpy/f2py
Optional (to work with .par files):
- pulsar timing interface PINT
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u, constants as c
from skymodel import skymodel
source = SkyCoord("05h35m17.3s -05d23m28s", frame='icrs')
print d.distance(source, 10)
print d.DM(source, 659*u.pc)
print d.Tsky(source)
print d.distance('0038-2501.par', 10)
print d.DM('0038-2501.par', 449*u.pc)
print d.Tsky('0038-2501.par')
print d.Tsky(source)
print d.DM(source, 1*u.kpc)
print d.distance(source, 10)
- When model is initialized the frequency (for Tsky) can be passed as a number (MHz assumed) or an astropy quantity.
- The Tsky model can be 'GSM2008' or 'GSM2016'
- parfiles are parsed by PINT
- NE2001 and YMW16 supported for DM models
- Source positions can be vectorized. If they are a vector d/DM can also be a vector (same shape) or scalar.
- There are convenience functions as well:
print skymodel.Tsky(source)
print skymodel.DM(source, 10*u.pc)
print skymodel.distance(source, 10)
And there are command-line scripts:
plock[test]% bin/ --par=1949+3426.par 10
For source (RA,Dec)=19h49m13.6713s +34d26m33.8648s [1949+3426.par]
(l,b)=69.7201 4.28843
and DM=10.000 pc/cm**3
0.890833377838 kpc
plock[test]% bin/ --par=1949+3426.par 10
For source (RA,Dec)=19h49m13.6713s +34d26m33.8648s [1949+3426.par]
(l,b)=69.7201 4.28843
and d=10.0 kpc
230.689941406 pc / cm3
plock[test]% bin/ --par=1949+3426.par --unit=pc 10
For source (RA,Dec)=19h49m13.6713s +34d26m33.8648s [1949+3426.par]
(l,b)=69.7201 4.28843
and d=10.0 pc
0.0499999858439 pc / cm3
plock[test]% bin/ --par=1949+3426.par -f 350
For source (RA,Dec)=19h49m13.6713s +34d26m33.8648s [1949+3426.par]
(l,b)=69.7201 4.28843
and freq=350.0 MHz
76.676389301 K
To Do:
vectorize distance/DM too?add YMW16 model- access scattering quantities (now SM is also returned from NE2001, but not others)