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MQTT configuration

Chris Kuethe edited this page Dec 27, 2024 · 2 revisions

MQTT data feed configuration

rdzTTGOsonde supports reporting decoded radiosode measurements and receiver telemetry over MQTT as newline-delimited JSON messages. Each of these messages can be parsed into an object - with json.loads in python, or jq for example. In the samples below, the messages are pretty-printed; on the wire they are a single line.

MQTT active

This is the main control for enabling MQTT reporting. Prior to dev20241225 this was a binary switch: if set to a non-zero value, MQTT was enabled. Note that many MQTT reporting issues can be traced to ACLs on the broker; if the main screen reports that MQTT is connected but no messages seem to be published, there is almost certainly an ACL blocking the message.

Since commit 56f8fe9aac3ca47c62d234349ff867f3367d04f2 this has changed to a bitfield which enables different message topics.

Note that reported GPS and system time may differ from actual time by up to one second due to internal caching; this is different from the time reported by the radiosonde.

0x01: packet

    "lat": 37.80481,
    "lon": -122.02071,
    "alt": 7087.3,
    "vs": 4.6,
    "hs": 36.9,
    "climb": 4.6,
    "speed": 36.9,
    "dir": 82.7,
    "id": "W3110601",
    "ser": "W3110601",
    "frame": 2331,
    "vframe": 2331,
    "time": 1732490972,
    "sats": 12,
    "freq": 404.00,
    "rssi": 217,
    "afc": 4333,
    "launchKT": 0,
    "burstKT": 0,
    "countKT": 0,
    "crefKT": 0,
    "launchsite": "Oakland",
    "res": 0,
    "batt": 2.9

Measurements as reported by the currently tracked radiosonde

0x02: uptime

    "uptime": 51122.9,
    "user": "radiosonde",
    "time": 2024-12-26 20:11:41,
    "rxlat": 37.744502,
    "rxlon":  -122.223611,
    "SW": "rdzTTGOsonde",
    "VER": "dev20241225"

basic information about the device including uptime in seconds, MQTT username, current time, and if configured - the static location.

0x04: pmu

    "I_Batt": 351.0,
    "V_Batt": 4.184,
    "I_Vbus": 417.0,
    "V_Vbus": 5.046,
    "T_sys": 55.3

Power management unit information. PMU temperature (C), and current (mA) and voltage (volts) of the battery and USB rails. Positive current indicates battery charging, negative current indicates discharging.

0x08: gps

    "valid": 1,
    "systime": "2024-12-27 00:30:03",
    "gpstime": "2024-12-27 00:30:04",
    "lat": 37.744502,
    "lon": -122.223611,
    "alt": 6,
    "sat": 10

0x10: rf

Depending on the screen mode, this will publish either the current listening frequency to the qrg topic or the peak detected RF frequency to the spectrum topic.

QRG replicates the information on the scanner screen, indicating which entry is currently being searched.

    "num": 2,
    "type": "RS41",
    "site": "Oakland",
    "freq": 404.000

Spectrum gives the frequency and RSSI of the peak detected energy. This is not necessarily a radiosonde; it could be a source of local interference.

    "time": "2024-12-17 23:31:25",
    "peak": 400.390,
    "rssi": -87.5

0x80: debug

This message class can be used as a reporting channel for generally unimportant diagnostic messages. Developers are encouraged to add additional type bits for messages with longer lasting value, and document those bits here.

MQTT client ID

A string (eg. oakrdz) used as the base of the MQTT client identifier. A random, internally-generated, four digit suffix will be added to the actual connection client (eg. oakrdz1234) to prevent collisions in case of network timeouts and reconnections.

MQTT server hostname

Hostname or IP address of the MQTT broker, eg. or

MQTT port

Port where the broker is listening. Defaults to 1883 and should probably be left that way since TLS connections are not yet supported.

MQTT username

Username for the MQTT connection.

MQTT password

Password for the MQTT connection.

MQTT prefix

Topic prefix, used to establish some structure on the messages. The default is rdz_sonde_server/ but you could use any other meaningful string, such as sonde/sea/, sonde/sfo/ and sonde/lax/ if you had three receiver in the Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles areas.

MQTT Report Interval

Number of milliseconds at which to publish uptime, gps, and pmu metrics. Default value is 60000 (60s, 1 minute). Increase or decrease as you see fit.

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