Downloads all wallpapers from (requires Python 3.x)
- Install Python 3 (make sure Python is added to PATH, the installer should help you out here)
- Open up the command prompt (search for it in the start menu)
- Type in the following commands (wait for one to finish, then enter the next):
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install requests
pip install lxml
- Download the .py file from this repository
- Copy it to the folder where you want to download all the wallpapers
- Right-click it
- Press "Open with IDLE"
- Press F5
- Wait (Due to the actual website being relatively small, and Python not really being the fastest language there is, expect this step to take a while)
Note: If the program finds a file already downloaded, it will stop. Because of this, you can use it to update your wallpaper dir whenever a new wallpaper is posted. To disable this, open the py file in notepad and change the first line from 'STOP_IF_FOUND = True' to 'STOP_IF_FOUND = False' (mind the capital F)