Utility that loops endlessly in waiting for new pull requests in given repositories and adds assignees (who supposed to review these PRs).
- Java 1.7
- Clojure 1.8
- tentacles 0.5.2
- git statistics usage to select proper reviewer
- Refactor to hide github pagination in single fetch method
- Think about teams members re-fetch
- Think about database usage for storing scores/cache
- Add timeout for network requests
Config is stored in config.clj file. At least teams and api-token should be specified.
{:api-token "YOUR API TOKEN"
:uber-team "UBER TEAM"
:interval 10
:only-subscribed-issues false
:lottery-mode :repo
:repo-lottery-factor 0.5}
Copyright © 2017 Denis Kormalev
Distributed under MIT License.