MADLIRA is a tool for Android malware detection. It consists in two components: TFIDF component and SVM learning component. In gerneral, it takes an input a set of malwares and benwares and then extracts the malicious behaviors (TFIDF component) or computes training model (SVM classifier). Then, it uses this knowledge to detect malicious behaviors in the Android application.
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This tool have two main components: TFIDF component and SVM component.
Command: ./ TFIDF check -S <path to apk files>
Command: ./ SVM check -S <path to apk files>
- Collect benign applications and malicious applications and output them in folders named benginAPKFolder and maliciousApkFolder, respectively.
- Prepare training data and pack them in two files named benignPack and maliciousPack by using the command:
./ TFIDF packAPK -PB <benignApkFolder> -PM <maliciousApkFolder>
- Extract malicious behaviors from two packed files (BenDataL and MalDataL) by using the command:
./ TFIDF train -B BenDataL -M MalDataL
- Collect benign applications in a folder named benignApkFolder and malicious applications in a folder named maliciousApkFolder.
- Prepare training data by using the commands:
./ SVM packAPK -PB <benignApkFolder> -PM <maliciousApkFolder>
- Compute the training model by this command:
./ SVM train -B BenDataL -M MalDataL
This tool uses the following packages: