A Context Feature Enhancement Network for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
The complexity and diversity of buildings make it challenging to extract low-level and high-level features with strong feature representation using deep neural networks in building extraction tasks. Meanwhile, deep neural network-based methods have many network parameters, which take up a lot of memory and time in training and testing. We propose a novel fully convolutional neural network called Context Feature Enhancement Network (CFENet) to address these issues. CFENet comprises three modules: the spatial fusion module, the focus enhancement module, and the feature decoder module. Firstly, the spatial fusion module aggregates the spatial information of low-level features to obtain buildings’ outline and edge information. Secondly, the focus enhancement module fully aggregates the semantic information of high-level features to filter the information of building-related attribute categories. Finally, the feature decoder module decodes the output of the above two modules to segment the buildings more accurately. In a series of experiments on the WHU Building and the Massachusetts Building Dataset, the efficiency and accuracy of our CFENet balance on all five evaluation metrics: PA, Recall, F1, IoU, and FWIoU. Moreover, our model is smaller, which means it occupies less memory and runs faster. This indicates that CFENet can effectively enhance and fuse buildings’ low-level and high-level features, improving building extraction accuracy.
Our main contributions include the following:
- An end-to-end context feature enhancement network, namely CFENet, is proposed to address the challenges of complexity and diversity of buildings encountered in building extraction from remote sensing images.
- CFENet achieves more accurate building extraction results on the WHU Building Dataset and the Massachusetts Building Dataset by explicitly establishing rich contextual relationships on low-level and high-level features.
- CFENet balances efficiency and accuracy by employing dilated convolution in the spatial fusion module and asymmetric convolution in the focus enhancement module.
An Pytorch implementation of our work.
- pytorch 1.7.0
- CUDA 11.0
- python 3.7
├── dataset/
├── network/ :contains model definition.
├── pretrained_model/ :includes training model.
├── train_model/ :includes training model.
├── utils/ :contains some utility functions.
├── train.py/ : training scripts for building extraction.
├── metric.py
├── README.md
Our proposed method is implemented based on pytorch 1.7.0 and cuda 11.0. An Adam optimizer is applied to train our network with a learning rate initialized to 0.0001, and then decayed to 0.1 of the current learning rate every 50 epochs. Our network is trained on the GPU for a number of 200 epochs.
You can download the trained model to verify our results.
- Our train_model (CFENet)
[CSNetbuilding_extraction.pth] - The pretrained_model
WHU Building Dataset: download from this link
[gpcv.whu.edu.cn/data/building_dataset.html] -
Massachusetts Building Dataset: download from this link
[Road and Building Detection Datasets (toronto.edu)]
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