A tournament of 12 racers. The tournament is hosted by the IOptoConCoin organization. The purpose of the tournament is to maximize the gross capital income. The buy-in is $275.75 per driver. Driver's are granted a %10 if they pay up front. The winner will be granted %75 of the pool. Second place will be granted twice their buy-in, and third place will win their buy-in.
The tournament tree will begin by randomly assigning the drivers a number. The numbers will be from 1 to 12 and the racers will be paired against each other in numerical order. The tournament is single elimination. A chase is a race and a tire on the line is a loss.
All cars will be required to have a full cage. Cage must be roll-over rated. Each car will be inspected by race staff. Race staff includes the following positions:
- Tree monitor
- Downtrack marshal
- UpTrack marshal
- Race Director
- Track Maintenance (3)
- Medical Team (3)
- Cashier
There will be a venue for betting on each race. The will be a 3.73% fee taken from all bets. Payouts are guaranteed by the organizer of the race. Calculations on the odds of every racer will be updated, immediately, after each race.