FunInPostfixLLStack was developed in c language to demonstrate how to convert a commonly seen infix mathmatical problem to postfix using a linked list stack. Useful because rather than scanning infix problems, compilers usually convert these automagically to postfix behind the scenes. It's quite simple, the infix gets scanned from left to right. During scan, operands get sent to the postfix string, operators get pushed to the stack and are popped to postfix depending on their precedence. If scan comes across an operator with higher or equal precedence than the one at the top of the stack, then the stack is popped and the popped operator is saved to the postfix string.
- Choose from 10 postfix equations
- Get the converstion from infix to postfix
- Get the solution using postfix computation
Linked List Stacks! Stacks! Sta-Sta-Sta-Stacks! If you'd like to see how this is done using array stacks, look into my other repositories.
Tech uses the very very very advanced terminal shell and gcc compiler.
The program comes with a swanky Makefile for you to automagically compile the .c extensions into .o binaries. Exciting? Make the file and run the file in bash.
$ gcc -o funinpostfixLLstack funinpostfixLLstack.c
Add conversion for larger numbers