MobileApp: I'm ready to hit the waterslide and get my funnel cake on!
WebApi: Great! Where's your ticket?
MobileApp: A ticket!? I'm a member!!
WebApi: That's great and all but I still need to see a ticket first bud...
MobileApp: Where in the world do I get a ticket?
WebApi sarcastically points to a booth labeled "IdentityServer"
MobileApp: WebApi sent me over here for a ticket.
IdentityServer: Ok no problem, I just need to see some ID first.
MobileApp pull his IdentityFair membership card
IdentityServer: Here is your ticket, enjoy the fair!
MobileApp returns to WebApi with his ticket in hand
MobileApp: Waterslide here I come!
WebApi: Actually sir, this ticket doesn't cover the waterslide.
MobileApp returns home