This application is used to make booklet for all pass out student who have completed their degrees. This will remind you, your youthful days when you value friendship above all.
======================= SOFTWARE-REQUIREMENT ==============================
========================== HARDWARE-REQUIREMENT ============================
Hardware requirement of this project is any Desktop or Laptop machine for local use or a Server with minimum available configuration to make Project globally available. Hardware specifications of the machine used depends upon the hardware requirements of the Operating System installed on it. As such there are no special hardware requirements of this project.
Installation of souvenir can be done both ways by using script as well as manually.
If you are installation it through script go to particular folder where script is present and run script. Scroll down to learn how to run script process.
If you are installation manually than read README files
Eg: 1) For souvenir installation, in souvenir folder there is file named "INSTALL.TXT" follow it.
2) For data_retrieving process, in Data_retrieve/souvenir folder there is file named "UserGuide.pdf" follow it.
3) For Imposition process, in cover folder there is file named "UserGuide.pdf" follow it.
Follow Step by step procedure to produce souvenir booklet.
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-server
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
1.) Extract Django folder then
tar -zxvf Django-1.4.5.tar.gz
cd Django-1.4.5
sudo python setup.py install
Souvenir can be installed both through script as well as manual process which is as follows :
1). PLACE "Souvenir-Package.tar.gz" folder "WITHOUT EXTRACTING" in "DOWNLOAD" FOLDER.
2). PLACE "script.sh" File in home folder. Change permissions " chmod 777 script.sh "
3). Run script $ sh script.sh
1). Extract "Souvenir-Package.tar.gz" FOLDER and read INSTALL.TXT file.
===========================MANUALLY ONLY==============================
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for electronic mail (e-mail) transmission across Internet Protocol (IP) networks. This will send a verification mail to users to verify their registration and this will also help in recovering password if by chance any user lost it.
Follow below link to install it :
After installing and confuguring it go to your souvenir folder, under it their is file named "setting.py" in that file do following:
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'YOUR_E-MAIL_ID' # eg: [email protected]
EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'YOUR_E-MAIL_ID' # eg: [email protected]
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'PASSWORD' # Your e-mail password
EMAIL_PORT = "587"
Data_retrieving_process can be installed both through script as well as manual process which is as follows :
NOTE: Before running script install sam2p.
$ sudo apt-get install sam2p
1.) Extract data_retriev folder and push that folder at experimental
Eg: scp /home/username/data_retrieve/souvenir [email protected]:~/public_html/
Run script :- "" sh script.sh ""
For manual process read " UserGuide.pdf "
===========================USING SCRIPT ONLY==================================
1.) Inside COVER folder there is a folder named "IMPOSITION". To get imposition, change " PDF " files (according to your requirement) to any pdf files and change name into "script.sh" too which is inside COVER folder.
eg: By default it contains files named "fronside.pdf","backside.pdf","front-
outside.pdf","Back-outside.pdf" change that pdf files to your pdf files and
do same changes in scrip.sh file too and run script using command
"sh script.sh".
NOTE: To covert .jpg file into .pdf use this
\usepackage[final]{pdfpages} % for including pdf file
Mentor and Manager
Dr. Hardeep Singh Rai
Website: http://gndec.ac.in/~hsrai
Deepak Kumar Sharma
Blog: deekysharma.wordpress.com
Email: [email protected]