Hexagonal architecture example
WIP project that aims to have a basic structure of hexagonal infrastructure setup with spring boot example...
- Ports: Interfaces in core (domain)
- Adapters: Implementations of ports
- API: that which drives the core (web api for example)
- SPI (Service provider interface): that which is driven by core (database for example)
- Core defines interfaces (ports) for the input (API) and for the output (SPI)
- Web input adapter implements one of the ports and exposes a web api that drives the core
- Different input adapters can drive the logic, for example pubsub subscription etc...
- Firebase output adapter implements one of the ports and provides means for persisting the data (in firebase)
- Different output adapters can implement output port, for example Postgres adapter to store data into the database...
If you are using a firebase project: https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/Downloads/service-account-file.json"
Or you can have a dummy adapter that stores data into h2 for example...
Update the application-dev.properties file with following:
$ ./mvnw spring-boot: run (or mvn spring-boot:run)