This repository contains the source code of Tatoeba's website:
If you are interested in contributing to this project as a developer, please read our article about joining the dev team before you start coding anything.
If you are a Linux or Mac user, we recommend that you use Imouto to install Tatoeba on your machine. Simply follow the instructions in Imouto for development in the README.
If for some reason you prefer to install manually or if Imouto doesn't work for you, you can follow our wiki article about installing Tatoeba.
If you are a Windows user, you won't be able to use Imouto. You will have to install everything manually. Please refer to our wiki article about installing Tatoeba.
Note that since Imouto uses VirtualBox, it will not make sense to install a VM on Windows and then use Imouto inside the VM. If you wish, you may set up a VM rather than installing Tatoeba directly on your Windows, but you will still have to install Tatoeba manually inside the VM.
If you are stuck somewhere and can't figure out how to fix the problem(s) so that you can run Tatoeba properly on your machine, don't hesitate to post a message in our Google group, ask in our Gitter chatroom, or in our IRC channel (server: freenode, channel: #tatoeba).