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Noweb Literate Programming Extension for Visual Studio Code

This is an extension for Visual Studio Code, supporting Literate Programming using the Noweb tool written by Norman Ramsey.

Its main goal is to provide a somewhat decent syntax highlighting for Noweb files.

Note: This is a work in progress and has been tested with Noweb versions 2.x only. In addition to the basic unit tests provided, the extension was manually tested against the syntax of all .nw files in and


  • Basic syntax highlighting for Noweb keywords. The TeX sections are delegated to the internal LaTeX highlighting grammars of VS Code.
  • Detects and colorizes undefined Noweb keywords (but only within the same file).
  • Basic folding support.
  • Auto-completion for <<>> brackets.

Known Issues

  • Noweb common file extensions, .nw and .noweb, may conflict with other tools.

  • The used token types, and therefore the items' colors, have been tested with the "Dark+" theme only. Token colors may clash or be undistinguishable when using a different theme.

  • Since we simply direct all LaTeX parsing to the internal grammars, the Noweb-specific inline command [[]] is unknown to VS Code. Only the surrounding brackets will get highlighted, as throughout the rest of the .nw file. In addition, a sequence like [[%token]] will start a LaTeX comment until the end of the current line.

    I'm happy with the rest of the LaTeX parsing and don't plan to do anything about this minor issue at the moment.

Used token types

In the 'Token' column of the following table, the first string denotes the actual type while the optional [] brackets contain the modifier(s).

Regex Token Meaning
/^@\s*.*$/ function[declaration] The start of a new Noweb chunk
/^<<(.*)>>=\s*$/ variable Definition of a keyword
/<<(.*?)>>/g keyword Reference to a defined keyword
" comment Reference to an undefined keyword
.* string All other text in a code section, meaning the 'code' itself


The following images were taken while working on one of my own projects: "Re-programming the PIC for a DDS-VFO in Assembler" (in German).

Basic view

The basic parsing and the highlighting orients itself around Noweb's notion of a "chunk". A new chunk starts with a single @ in the first column of a line.

Chunks are then further subdivided into a "text" section and a "code" section. In the text section, one uses LaTeX to document thoughts and ideas around the program. In the code section, the actual sources are "woven" together by defining and referencing snippets of code, which each are identified by a string (as a form of ID).

Basic view

LaTeX highlighting

The internal highlighting of VS Code is doing all the heavy work for parsing the plethora of LaTeX commands and environments.

LaTeX highlighting

Code sections

Within code sections, no further special highlighting is done. By design, Noweb supports any programming language, so we don't really know what kind of syntactic and semantic analysis we'd have to apply.

Code sections

Undefined keywords

Here, the string 'flags for hw9 mode' has an additional s at the end of the word flag. So, the keyword is marked as being "undefined" by displaying it in a different color (green). When correcting the string to 'flag for hw9 mode', the color of the keyword reference should switch back to normal (purple).

Undefined keywords


Single Noweb chunks can be folded and unfolded.

Folding chunks


Noweb Extension for Visual Studio Code







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