An arbitrary-precision decimal library for PHP.
The PHP language only offers two numeric data types: int and float. Neither of these types are suitable for a substantial set of real-world problems, where exact arithmetic with values of arbitrary precision are required -- notably, when working with monetary values.
PHP's optional extension BCMath provides some limited features in this area, but it is awkward to use when precision is variable, and it does not support rounding.
This library uses the BCMath functions internally, but hides them behind a more convenient, object-oriented, and intuitive API.
The entire library is included in a single source file for ease of
installation. All you need to do is copy the library file 'decimal.php' to
anywhere on your system you like. Personally I use something like
, but it's totally up to you. For example:
wget -O /usr/local/lib/php-decimal.php
In your PHP code, execute include '/path/to/lib/php-decimal.php';
, or include
it in your autoloader, and you're ready to use the library.
One classic example of how binary floating-point values can ruin your day is the expression (0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 - 0.3), which is of course equal to zero. Let's use this as a worked example. First, using PHP's built-in float data type:
php > $n = 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 - 0.3;
php > var_dump($n);
php > var_dump($n == 0);
Unless you want to do all your comparisons using an epsilon value, binary floating-point is exactly this kind of trouble waiting to happen. The next most obvious place to turn is the BCMath extension, which would look like:
php > bcscale(1);
php > $n = bcsub(bcadd(bcadd('0.1', '0.1'), '0.1'), '0.3');
php > var_dump($n);
string(3) "0.0"
php > var_dump(bccomp($n, 0) == 0);
Now we're at least getting the right answer, but the code is an unreadable mess, and it gets worse if you don't know ahead of time what the precision of your inputs is going to be, and therefore can't choose a global value for bcscale that will be appropriate for all circumstances.
Enter php-decimal:
php > include '/path/to/lib/decimal.php';
php > use \Direvus\Decimal\Decimal;
php > $n = new Decimal;
php > $n->increase('0.1', '0.1', '0.1', '-0.3');
php > var_dump((string) $n);
string(1) "0"
php > var_dump($n->isZero());
We didn't have to lock php-decimal into any particular precision for its computations; it noticed that all its operands had a scale of 1, so it told BCMath to performs its operations at scale 1. If any of the operands had had a greater scale, then we would have used that scale instead.
Unfortunately, as PHP does not offer any way to hook into its built-in
comparison and arithmetic operators, it isn't possible to use natural syntax
like $c = $a + $b
, where $a
and $b
are Decimal objects. We have to make
do with relatively ugly method calls.
Each instance of the Decimal class consists of:
- a sequence of decimal digits stored as a PHP string,
- an integer exponent, and
- a boolean indicating whether the number is negative.
Each Decimal value represents the real number n such that:
n = [-]digits × (10 ^ exponent)
The number 7500 would be therefore represented internally by the values ('75', 2, false)
, respectively, as 7500 = 75 × 10^2, whereas the number -0.75 would
be represented internally as ('75', -2, true)
, for -75 × 10^-2.
It can be seen that, for every real number which has a finite representation in decimal form, there are infinitely many possible Decimal representations, but only one representation which uses the minimal number of decimal digits, which is called the 'normal' or 'canonical' representation.
It is possible to represent negative zero using a Decimal instance, but in effect this library treats zero as unsigned, and the canonical representation of zero is positive.
Decimals can be initialised from other Decimal instances, strings describing numbers, integers and floats (with the caveat that if you initialise from a float you might end up exposing yourself to precisely the kind of mischief this library was created to avoid).
In terms of performance, this library is probably pretty awful and should really only be used as a last resort. If at all possible, perform all computations in your database or in some other programming environment, and leave PHP blissfully agnostic of difficult problems like basic arithmetic.
This library does not comply, nor does it attempt to comply, with the IEEE 754 standard.
In particular, it does not include any representations of abstract numeric concepts like NaN ("Not a Number"), signed zero, infinity, or negative infinity. The intention of php-decimal is to enable simple, practical arithmetic across the real numbers according to the Principle of Least Astonishment. If you're looking to do some integral calculus, php-decimal is probably not the right tool for the job.
php-decimal is released under the "BSD 2-clause license", the full text of which can be found in the LICENSE file at the top level of the repository.
php-decimal was written by Brendan Jurd, in a fit of pique after PHP munged his numbers in early 2014.
This library was heavily inspired by the decimal module of Python's standard library, and the numeric data type of PostgreSQL. If any credit is due, most of it belongs to the authors of these projects.