conda env create -f environment.yaml
The following command will run the three experiments as in Fig. 3 in the paper for both four rooms env and Fetch Pick&Place env.
Four rooms env: python sandbox/experiments/goals/maze/
Point mass lego pusher env: python sandbox/experiments/goals/maze_lego/
Fetch Pick and Place env: python sandbox/experiments/goals/pick_n_place/
Fetch StackTwo env: python sandbox/experiments/goals/pick_n_place/
The following command will reproduce the learning curves for two environments as in Fig. 3 in the paper.
Four rooms env: python plotting/ data/s3/fourroom fourroom
Point mass lego pusher env: python plotting/ data/s3/pointmass-block-pusher pointmass-block-pusher
Fetch Pick and Place env: python plotting/ data/s3/fetchpnp fetchpnp
Fetch StackTwo env: python plotting/ data/s3/stacktwo stacktwo
The generated figures can be found in folder figures