This repository hosts configuration for setting up the cloud infrastructure for the Catena-X consortium environments. It is mainly terraform based and involves Azure resources.
The repository follows a specific structure. On the root level, there are directories for each of our kubernetes clusters. The cluster directories are prefixed with a number, that should indicate a potential order, in which clusters should be created, if we start a completely new consortium setup. The order can be necessary, so that managing of clusters can properly be set up.
In addition to the cluster modules, there is a single consortium_cluster module, which defines all the necessary Azure resources to form a complete environment. This module is inteded to define the basis for all consortium environments and can be configured through dedicated variables
To manage the cloud infrastructure defined in this repository, you need a local installation of terraform CLI. For installation, just follow the instruction for your operating system.
The terraform state files are stored in an Azure Storage Account. To access the credentials, it is recommended to query them via Azure CLI. You can follow the official installation instructions
Terraforming the environments almost always is done by issuing the following commands on your local machine:
# Login with Azrue CLI
az login --tenant <catena-x-azure-tenant-id>
# Get credentials for Azure Storage account containing the terraform state files
export ARM_ACCESS_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group cx-devsecops-tfstates --account-name cxdevsecopstfstate --query '[0].value' -o tsv)
# Change to the environment specific directory
cd <env-specific-dir>
# Init terraform providers - Only necessary on the first run
terraform init
# Upgrade the provider version - Always recommended to upgrade to the latest version of providers matching the specified
# constraints (usually ~> <version> to use the latest patch version)
terraform init -upgrade
# Run terraform plan and apply
terraform plan
terraform apply
It is encouraged to configure upgrades or changes to environments at the reused terraform
module consortium_cluster. This should prevent environments from diverging too much from
our standard configuration. After changing the consortium_cluster
module, each of the environments has to be
reconfigured via terraform. The reconfiguration is done with the command sequence shown in the previous section
NOTE: If there is a valid reason, why a specific environment should not use the standard configuration, consider introducing a variable in the
module and define it with the desired default value. Then overwrite this variable in the module call
and skip that variable assignment for all other environments, that can follow the standard
To add a new environment, create a new directory on the top level of this repository. The naming convention is as
follows: <incrementing-number>_<environment-name>_cluster
example: 01_core_cluster
The terraform config needed for an environment is separated in
- the
file containing the module call and potentially distinct resources for that environment - the
file containing the backend config that specifies the state file location (Azure Storage Account) - the
file, where we need to specify provider configuration, that can be used in the module call
You can copy and paste the mentioned files of an existing environment and adjust is slightly. The adjustments, that need to be made are:
- choose a module name matching your new environment name
- overwrite the
variable to match your new environment name - Remove any other specific configuration if you copied it from a non-default environment
- Remove any additional resource definitions in case you do not need them for the new environment
- Adjust
in the backend configuration. This should match your environment name - Adjust
in the backend configuration. This should be in the form of .tfstate
- Adjust
Before creating the new environment by running terraform, you need to create the Azure Storage Account container, that
you specified in the backend configuration in
. The container can be created, if you navigate to the
Storage Account resource on Azure Portal.
As soon as the Azure Storage Account container does exist, you can run the terraform commands:
# Login with Azrue CLI
az login --tenant <catena-x-azure-tenant-id>
# Get credentials for Azure Storage account containing the terraform state files
export ARM_ACCESS_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group cx-devsecops-tfstates --account-name cxdevsecopstfstate --query '[0].value' -o tsv)
# Change to the environment specific directory
cd <new-env-dir>
# Init terraform providers - Only necessary on the first run
terraform init
# Run terraform plan and apply
terraform plan
terraform apply