This repo is a simple synthesis tool that lets you write functional units like dividers and square roots as python functions using a pre-built bit vector library and then compile them in to Verilog when you are ready to synthesize them.
Run the following commands to install and run the unit tests (note that you will need icarus verilog for some of the unit tests):
git clone
cd SFGen
Look in the file ./examples/ You should
see a function cube(x)
that takes in one argument and returns the
cube of the argument:
from sfgen.bit_vector import *
def cube(x):
out = x * x * x
return out
A simple python testbench for this function is shown in test/
from sfgen.bit_vector import *
from examples.cube import *
def test_cube():
width = 32
a = bv_from_int(width, 7)
correct = bv_from_int(width, 7*7*7)
print('a =', a)
print('correct =', correct)
print('cube(a) =', cube(a))
assert(cube(a) == correct)
We can run it like so:
pytest test/
With all tests passing we are ready to generate Verilog for our design.
To generate verilog from cube
we use a synthesis script
located in examples/ The code
looks like so:
import os
import os.path
import sys
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir_path, os.pardir)))
from sfgen.verilog_backend import *
constraints = ScheduleConstraints()
synthesize_verilog('examples/cube', 'cube', [l.ArrayType(32)], constraints)
To run this script and generate verilog use the command:
python ./examples/
You should now see a new file called cube_32.v that contains an implementation of the cube function as a combinational circuit using 32 bit multipliers.
module builtin_assign_32(in, out);
input [31:0] in;
output [31:0] out;
assign out = in;
module builtin_mult_32_32(in1, in0, out);
input [31:0] in0;
input [31:0] in1;
output [31:0] out;
assign out = in0 * in1;
module cube_32(x, out);
input [31:0] x;
output [31:0] out;
wire [31:0] fs_0;
wire [31:0] fs_1;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_0;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_2;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_4;
builtin_assign_32 fresh_assign_1(.in(fresh_wire_0), .out(fs_0));
builtin_mult_32_32 mult_32_0(.in0(x), .in1(x), .out(fresh_wire_0));
builtin_assign_32 fresh_assign_3(.in(fresh_wire_2), .out(fs_1));
builtin_mult_32_32 mult_32_1(.in0(fs_0), .in1(x), .out(fresh_wire_2));
builtin_assign_32 fresh_assign_5(.in(fresh_wire_4), .out(out));
builtin_assign_32 assign_32_2(.in(fs_1), .out(fresh_wire_4));
The implementation of cube
above uses 2 multipliers, but what if we
only want to use one multiplier? We can add a resource constraint that forces
the synthesis program to do both operations on the same multiplier by splitting
the operations up over two cycles.
You can see how to do this in the synthesis script in
The script is the same as the previous one with one added line after the creation
of the constraints
constraints.set_resource_count('mult_32', 1)
This line tells the compiler that only one multiplier can be used to implement the circuit. We run this new synthesis script like so:
python ./examples/
The new verilog is a sequential circuit with only one multiplier, and a stage counter and multiplexers to control the data input to the multiplier:
module builtin_counter_1(rst, clk, out);
input [0:0] clk;
input [0:0] rst;
output [0:0] out;
reg [0:0] stage_num;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
stage_num <= 0;
end else if (stage_num == 1) begin
stage_num <= 0;
end else begin
stage_num <= stage_num + 1;
assign out = stage_num;
module builtin_fifo_0_32(in, clk, out);
input [31:0] in;
input [0:0] clk;
output [31:0] out;
assign out = in;
module builtin_fifo_1_32(in, clk, out);
input [31:0] in;
input [0:0] clk;
output [31:0] out;
reg [31:0] delay_reg_0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
delay_reg_0 <= in;
assign out = delay_reg_0;
module builtin_mux_2_32(in1, sel, in0, out);
input [31:0] in0;
input [31:0] in1;
input [0:0] sel;
output [31:0] out;
reg [31:0] out_reg;
always @(*) begin
1'b0: out_reg = in0;
1'b1: out_reg = in1;
assign out = out_reg;
module builtin_assign_32(in, out);
input [31:0] in;
output [31:0] out;
assign out = in;
module builtin_mult_32_32(in1, in0, out);
input [31:0] in0;
input [31:0] in1;
output [31:0] out;
assign out = in0 * in1;
module builtin_constant_32_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(out);
output [31:0] out;
assign out = 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
module cube_32(x, en, clk, out);
input [31:0] x;
output [31:0] out;
wire [31:0] fs_0;
wire [31:0] fs_1;
wire [0:0] global_stage_counter;
input [0:0] clk;
input [0:0] en;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_0;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_2;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_4;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_6;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_8;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_10;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_12;
wire [31:0] undefined_value_16;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_17;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_19;
wire [31:0] fresh_wire_21;
builtin_counter_1 stage_counter(.clk(clk), .rst(en), .out(global_stage_counter));
builtin_fifo_0_32 fifo_1(.in(x), .out(fresh_wire_0), .clk(clk));
builtin_fifo_1_32 fifo_3(.in(fs_0), .out(fresh_wire_2), .clk(clk));
builtin_mux_2_32 in_mux_5(.sel(global_stage_counter), .in0(fresh_wire_0), .in1(fresh_wire_2), .out(fresh_wire_4));
builtin_fifo_0_32 fifo_7(.in(x), .out(fresh_wire_6), .clk(clk));
builtin_fifo_1_32 fifo_9(.in(x), .out(fresh_wire_8), .clk(clk));
builtin_mux_2_32 in_mux_11(.sel(global_stage_counter), .in0(fresh_wire_6), .in1(fresh_wire_8), .out(fresh_wire_10));
builtin_assign_32 fresh_assign_13(.in(fresh_wire_12), .out(fs_0));
builtin_assign_32 fresh_assign_14(.in(fresh_wire_12), .out(fs_1));
builtin_mult_32_32 mult_32_0(.in0(fresh_wire_4), .in1(fresh_wire_10), .out(fresh_wire_12));
builtin_constant_32_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x_const_15(.out(undefined_value_16));
builtin_fifo_0_32 fifo_18(.in(fs_1), .out(fresh_wire_17), .clk(clk));
builtin_mux_2_32 in_mux_20(.sel(global_stage_counter), .in0(undefined_value_16), .in1(fresh_wire_17), .out(fresh_wire_19));
builtin_assign_32 fresh_assign_22(.in(fresh_wire_21), .out(out));
builtin_assign_32 assign_32_1(.in(fresh_wire_19), .out(fresh_wire_21));
Often real functional units like reciprocal dividers or the CORDIC algorithm need
to read from a table of values that is pre-computed at design time. This tool
supports pre-computed tables through a special higher-order function lookup_in_table
For an example consider the function foo
in examples/
from sfgen.bit_vector import *
def table_func(a):
return a - bv_from_int(a.width(), 1)
def foo(a):
res = lookup_in_table(a, table_func)
return res
calls the ordinary function table_func
which subtracts 1 from its
argument, but instead of calling it directly it calls table_func
on a
through the lookup_in_table
function. This is a cue to the compiler to
pre-compute all possible values of table func and implement it as a table in
If we run the synthesis script for foo
using a 4 bit wide argument located in
examples/ like so:
python ./examples/
then we get verilog like this:
module builtin_assign_4(in, out);
input [3:0] in;
output [3:0] out;
assign out = in;
module builtin_table_lookup_table_func_4_4(in, out);
input [3:0] in;
output [3:0] out;
reg [3:0] out_reg;
always @(*) begin
4'b0000: out_reg = 4'b1111;
4'b0001: out_reg = 4'b0000;
4'b0010: out_reg = 4'b0001;
4'b0011: out_reg = 4'b0010;
4'b0100: out_reg = 4'b0011;
4'b0101: out_reg = 4'b0100;
4'b0110: out_reg = 4'b0101;
4'b0111: out_reg = 4'b0110;
4'b1000: out_reg = 4'b0111;
4'b1001: out_reg = 4'b1000;
4'b1010: out_reg = 4'b1001;
4'b1011: out_reg = 4'b1010;
4'b1100: out_reg = 4'b1011;
4'b1101: out_reg = 4'b1100;
4'b1110: out_reg = 4'b1101;
4'b1111: out_reg = 4'b1110;
assign out = out_reg;
module foo_4(a, res);
input [3:0] a;
output [3:0] res;
wire [3:0] fs_1;
wire [3:0] fresh_wire_0;
wire [3:0] fresh_wire_2;
builtin_assign_4 fresh_assign_1(.in(fresh_wire_0), .out(fs_1));
builtin_table_lookup_table_func_4_4 builtin_table_lookup_table_func_0(.in(a), .out(fresh_wire_0));
builtin_assign_4 fresh_assign_3(.in(fresh_wire_2), .out(res));
builtin_assign_4 assign_4_1(.in(fs_1), .out(fresh_wire_2));
The table_function
has been pre-compiled in to a giant case statement that
can be synthesized as an SRAM. Be warned that large tables may take a long time
to calculate!
- examples/ - A lookup table based Taylor series divider for signed integers.
- examples/ - A Newton-Raphson divider for signed integers that uses a lookup table and one iteration of refinement.
- Operations on bit vectors from the pre-made bit vector library in sfgen/bit_vector
- Function calls
- Lookup in pre-computed tables
- Conditional assignment statements
I am working on adding support for structs, if-else statements, and fixed bound loops.
- Python 3
- pytest
- Icarus Verilog for the unit test suite