This system has four main microservices which are mainly following event-driven architectural patterns.
- Order-Service.
- Payment-Service.
- Restaurant-Service.
- Customer-Service.
You need docker to run the application. Run below scripts respectively:
Then run below main classes:
Or use mvn clean install
command to build the project and create docker images.
All the above four services follows Clean architecture and Domain driven design principles. According to those patterns, all the services have arranged in similar way. Below you can see a sample dependency graph which is clearly showing above design rules.
You can clearly see that in the dependency graph most independent component is domain-core module, which contains core domain logics. This module does not depend on any other low-level modules. All the other modules are just plugins for this domain-core module.
Apache Kafka is used as the message-broker to build the event-driven architecture across all services. You can find the configurations and avro models related to kafka in infrastructure/kafka
- Clean (Hexagonal) architecture -> Ports and adapters
- Domain Driven Design (DDD)
- SAGA Pattern: Process & Rollback transactions.
- Outbox Pattern: Make the system more resilient and fault tolerance with outbox tables.
- Prevent concurrency issues with Optimistic locks & DB Constraints.
- Keep updating SAGA and Order Status for each operation.
- CQRS pattern with event sourcing.