Thaumcraft extension mod with machines powered by aspects, with potential for essence transport
Idea for first machine:
Thaumic processor:
Takes 5 essentia types:
1. Praecantatio
- small amount used per action (1/8 unit)
2. ignis
- used to cook items (1/item)
3. potentia
- used in purification of ores, used alone with ore creates native cluster (1/item)
4. Fractus
- used to "pulverize" ores into dusts(1/item)
5. Tempus
- used to "speed up" processing (? unit doubles speed for one step [halves processing time])
Single step:
ignis -> single ingot
potentia -> native cluster
fractus -> 2 dusts
2 steps:
fractus + ignis -> 2 ingots
fractus + potentia -> 2-3 dusts (weighted towards 2, <1/3 chance of 3)
potentia + ignis -> 2 ingots
3 steps:
fractus + potentia + ignis -> 2-3 dusts (wighted towards 3, >1/3 chance of 3)
Single step:
ignis -> 1 cooked meat
potentia -> 1-3 nuggets + 1-3 charcoal nuggets
fractus -> 6-9 raw nuggets
dual step:
ignis + potentia -> 6-9 total cooked/charcoal nuggets
fractus + ignis -> 6-9 cooked nuggets
fractus + potentia -> 6-9 total cooked/charcoal nuggets
triple step:
fractus + potentia + ignis -> 8-12 total cooked/charcoal nuggets
ignis -> single ignot
potentia -> 9 nuggets
fractus -> dust
(processed f/p/i, so any combination results in the final one in the list)
Native clusters:
ignis -> two ingots
potentia -> native clusters
fractus -> two dusts
(processed f/p/i, so any combination results in the final one in the list)
Raw nuggets:
ignis -> (1/9 unit/nugget) cooked nuggets
potentia -> (1/9 unit/nugget) chance of cooked/charcoal nugget
fractus -> ??