- Title: The living body is the center of all politics
- Category: Semesterarbeit
- Students: Alberto Harres, Chi Him Chik
- Course Title: These Designs Will Fix the World
- Lecturers: Dennis Paul, Petra Klusmeyer
- Year: WS 2020/21
The installation presents a dynamic archive of voices as an audio-visual experience, an algorithmic mantra, seeking to create a meditative space of communion during this time of collective struggle.
It displays, in both audio and textual form, the collection of contributions made by the public regarding each of their individual experience of the pandemic. While the installation is running, the public is invited to collaborate to this ever-increasing archive of voices, and take part in a collaborative genealogy of this global event. By producing a language-specific experience, this installation puts in perspective the diversity of cultures, backgrounds and language by which this global event can be seen through.
The title “The living body is the center of all politics” relates to Paul Preciado’s understanding of the Pandemic as primarily a bodily phenomenon. The installation circular design with voices gravitating the visitors body in the center seeks to highlight precisely this notion.
Software developed in Processing controlling the whole dynamics of the installation.
Using Max/MSP a spatalized audio experience is created through a 8 channel sound system sorounding the projection area.
In order for the public to be able to contribute new audios 'on the fly' while the installation is running, a simple online platform was created where using a QR-code the public could submit audios with their own cellphone devices.