Firmware port of Valley's Plateau for the Noise Engineering Versio product line. Includes output threshold clipper and output scaling to preserve the signal while it passes through output opamps no matter how much distortion is present.
If you're on WIndows, read this to reset your USB driver for use with programming the Versio:
See here to program your Versio:
There is also a help section on this page.
See release section of the GitHub to see changes and to download the .bin to program your Versio!
Save filter and gain settings on power down
See release section of the GitHub to see changes and to download the .bin to program your Versio!
See release section of the GitHub to see changes and to download the .bin to program your Versio!
See release section of the GitHub to see changes and to download the .bin to program your Versio!
Removed an erroneous optimization in the interpolating delay that caused a loud burst and the Dattoro going out of equilibrium when the size knob was set all the way to zero with modulation up. This was due to an out of bounds access with one of the buffers.
Fixed loud initialization using hold boolean on the linear interpolating delay until the Dattorro has reached equilibrium (Edit: This was initialilly thought to be because the interpolation needed time to settle down but now I believe that the loudness directly after boot was because the SDRAM has a lot of garbage data. Reading through the daisy driver code, it seems that SDRAM does not currently get initialized to zero upon hardware Init(). I believe this is possible to do in the main function though and perhaps I am completely wrong about that, so I will look more into this later. For now this solution is a quick fix and has no risks because the buffers are completely traversed by the time the 4 second initial hold passes. Although such a problem may cause problems with changing delay times, such as with predelay changes. This would explain why changing the pre delay time introduced static and why the unstable knobs cause static specifically with the pre delay.)
Implemented knobs
Implemented CVs
Fixed some heavy static as result of unoptimized code, unstable knobs, and sample rate choices.
Longer predelay buffer
Working Plateau reverb code on Daisy Seed
Bug where the output is extremely loud and distorted for 10 seconds\
Knobs not set up
CVs not set up
Dattorro, J. (1997). Effect design part 1: Reverberator and other filters, J. Audio Eng. Soc, 45(9), 660-684.
All code is licensed under GNU Public License v3.0, Copyright (c) 2023 Dale Johnson