Release Notes - ConceptPower - Version v3.0
[CCP-143 ] - There is a lot of text with the wrong font on the pages.
[CCP-147 ] - When I try to edit a concept I get an exception.
[CCP-148 ] - Indexer running message needs to be changed.
[CCP-151 ] - 3-party libraries have to be part of the war file unless they can be accessed through https
[CCP-152 ] - The REST method to add concepts is not the latest that is in master
[CCP-153 ] - domain classes have to stay in their orignial package, or we can't read already created object anymore
[CCP-155 ] - There are a bunch of commits in master (hotfixes for the current version) that aren't in develop.
New Feature
[CCP-128 ] - Implement Lucene for searching
[CCP-133 ] - New layout for Conceptpower
[CCP-140 ] - When login fails, a message should be shown to the user.
[CCP-154 ] - When submitting a new concept through REST, type needs to be validated
Test Chore
[CCP-132 ] - Writing test cases for left out classes
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