Datasets used in the FLPUCI Framework
This repository includes the following datasets:
- San Francisco Cabs (sanfranciscocabs)
- Roma Taxi (romataxi)
- Sumo Ipanema (sumo_ipanema)
- Next Generation Simulation (ngsim)
To unpack these dataset, run the script or
Within these dataset directories, there is a subdirectory named f1_raw_data that contains tar.xz files.
Unpack these files inside the f1_raw_data and delete them from the directory.
Within this dataset directory, there are tar.xz files.
Unpack the tar.xz, go back to the root directory, and run the script. By doing this, the directory named f1_raw_data will be created with the ngsim raw data files.
This dataset contains four subsets, so the script generates the raw data for one of them.
Then in the FLPUCI project run script to preprocess the raw data.
Finally, run for the experiments.