cli to send argo workflow notification to a slack channel
slack-notify [flags]
-t, --api-token string slack api token
-c, --channel string slack channel where the message will be posted
--doc generate markdown documentation
-e, --endpoint string argo-ui http endpoint that will be used for visualizing workflow output (required)!!!!
-h, --help help for slack-notify
--log-file string file for log output other than standard output, written to a temp folder by default
--log-format string format of the logging out, either of json or text (default "json")
--log-level string log level for the application (default "error")
-s, --status string the status of workflow, will be used to pick up an emoji for displaying in slack
-w, --workflow-id string a workflow identifier that has triggered this slack notification
required flag(s) "api-token", "channel", "endpoint", "status", "workflow-id"