LauNuts is a RDF Knowledge Graph consisting of:
- Local Administrative Units (LAU) and
- Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS)
It is a hierarchical system where geographical areas are subdivided according to their population sizes. This repository provides a generator to create a RDF Knowledge Graph from Excel input data. Additional resources are available at
The software in this repository can be executed as follows:
Example: java -jar launuts.jar -ids "nuts-2016-2021 lau2021-nuts2021" dl
ls: Lists available dataset IDs
dl: Downloads Excel files
csv: Converts Excel files to CSV
ct: Lists available LAU countries
kg: Create knowledge graph
help: Prints this help
-countries <"C1 C2 ...">
-ids <"ID1 ID2 ...">
To run the Software, Java has to be installed on your System.
If you want to convert Excel data, please have a look into data processing.
This work has been supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the project EML4U under the grant no 01IS19080B and by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) within the project OPAL under the grant no 19F2028A.
Data Science Group (DICE) at Paderborn University, Adrian Wilke