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Config Explanation
ace edited this page May 12, 2023
6 revisions
networkId: minecraft:player
x: 127.444900 # spawn position x
"y": 4.000000 # spawn position y
z: 160.134600 # spawn position z
world: FLAT
health: 20 # no. of half hearts
range: 10 # no. of blocks to stay in from spawn position, if exceeded will teleport back to spawn and heal to full health
attackDamage: 1 # no. of half hearts
attackRate: 10 # in ticks
attackRange: 1.5 # players will take damage within range
speed: 1
drops: # in the format: ID;Damage;Count;NBT hex/json;DropChance(1-100)
- stone;0;1;;100
- grass;0;1;;50
- dirt;0;1;;25
respawnTime: 100 # in ticks, if negative Boss will not respawn automatically
skin: # applicable only to minecraft:player
Name: ""
Data: "" # skin hex
CapeData: "" # skin cape hex
GeometryName: ""
GeometryData: "" # geometry hex/json
heldItem: "276;0;1;" # cosmetic, in the format: ID;Damage;Count;NBT hex/json
offhandItem: "276;0;1;" # cosmetic, in the format: ID;Damage;Count;NBT hex/json
scale: 1
autoAttack: false # auto attack players when they are in range
width: 1 # before scale is applied
height: 1 # before scale is applied
jumpStrength: 2 # number of blocks to jump
gravity: 0.08 # amount to subtract from motion y every tick, set to 0 for no gravity
spreadDrops: false # whether to spread out the drops
xpDrop: 0
commands: # commands to execute when killed, command will not execute if player is required but boss is killed by non player damage
- CONSOLE say Hi {PLAYER} {BOSS} # execute as console if prefixed with CONSOLE, {PLAYER} as player name, {BOSS} as boss name
- OP say {BOSS} # temp set player as OP and execute command on behalf of player
- me Hi
# [] for no projectile fired
- networkId: minecraft:arrow # any entity except player, note arrow cannot be attacked due to client-side limitation
fireRangeMin: 5 # fire projectile if target within range Min Max
fireRangeMax: 10
speed: 1
attackRate: 10 # in ticks
attackDamage: 2 # base damage, no. of half hearts, (For PM < 4.11 damage is scaled by speed just like any other projectile, damage no longer scaled in PM 4.11)
explodeRadius: 0 # explodes whenever it hits entity/block if more than 0
explodeDestroyBlocks: false # USE WITH CAUTION
health: 1
canBeAttacked: false # whether the projectile can be hurt and deflected
despawnAfter: 0 # in ticks, 0 = never despawn
gravity: 0.04
canBeDeflected: true # player can change direction of projectile by attacking it, requires canBeAttacked to be true
followNearest: false # follow the nearest player
particle: minecraft:endrod # https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/particle_list_pe.php
- id: poison
duration: 60
amplifier: 0
showParticles: true
ambient: false
armor: # will reduce damage taken, trigger enchantments etc
- 310;0;1;0a000000 # ID;Damage;Count;NBT hex/json
- 299;0;1;0a000000 # ID;Damage;Count;NBT hex/json
- 300;0;1;0a000000 # ID;Damage;Count;NBT hex/json
- 301;0;1;0a000000 # ID;Damage;Count;NBT hex/json
hurtModifiers: # any damage cause (integer, See https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP/blob/stable/src/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent.php): multiplier
1: 1 # entity attack: no change
2: 0.2 # projectile: 80% damage reduction
4: 0 # fall damage: negate all
knockbackResistance: 0 # chance of negating knockback 0.00-1.00
topRewards: # starts counting from 0, [] for no top rewards
# top 1
- - item 1;0;1; # ID;Damage;Count;NBT hex/json
- command CONSOLE say [{BOSS}] Top Damage by {PLAYER}
# top 2
- - item 1;0;1; # ID;Damage;Count;NBT hex/json
- command CONSOLE say [{BOSS}] Top 2 Damage by {PLAYER}
minions: # minions will inherit data of respective Boss and any data specified below will override inherited data
# minions will disappear once out of range from spawn position or if target is lost
- name: BossName # you can use any boss, x,y,z,world will be automatically replaced with a random position within spawnRange
spawnInterval: 100 # in ticks
spawnRange: 5 # random position within this range from current Boss position will be selected as spawn position
despawnAfter: 0 # optional, in ticks, 0 = never despawn
health: 1 # optional override
speed: 2 # optional override
gravity: 0 # optional override
drops: [] # recommended override, if not minion will drop Boss drops
commands: [] # recommended override, if not minion will execute same commands in Boss
topRewards: [] # recommended override, if not minion will give same rewards as Boss
minions: [] # recommended override to prevent minion spawning minion disaster
onSpawn: [] # recommended override
displayHealth: "" # As of 1.19, this only works for minecraft:player. {HEALTH} => health value , {MAX_HEALTH} => maxHealth , {BAR} => health bar, example: "{HEALTH}/{MAX_HEALTH} {BAR}"
movesByJumping: false # if true, boss will jump (jumpStrength) when it moves (like slime), configuration of hurt modifier is recommended to prevent/reduce fall damage
onSpawn: # randomly selects 1 when Boss spawns
- message {BOSS} spawned at {X} {Y} {Z} {WORLD}
- command say {BOSS} spawned at {X} {Y} {Z} {WORLD}