Bayesian power spectral analysis tools
- python 2.7 or later
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- emcee (for efficient MCMC):
- ipython notebooks (for running the demo):
- acor:
- statsmodels (for estimating the inverse covariance, unless using BFGS):
- seaborn (for pretty plotting)
Clone this repository in a directory on your home system:
/my/directory/$> git clone
add /my/directory/ to your $PYTHONPATH variablym either in .profile or .bashrc; this depends on your system!
Congratulations, you should now be able to use the code in the repository.
You can either
- start with the Demo notebook in ./docs/
- run the code on multiple bursts using ./code/
- use any of the other code in the repo for your purposes.