Training and testing scripts for few-shot, cross-domain RSC with cross-dataset learning.
You can use the provided .yml Conda environment file to easily install dependencies into a separate environment:
# From repo root
cd env
conda env create -f rsfinetuning.yml
conda activate rsfinetuning
Our code structure is inspired from [Cycle-GAN].
The following datasets can be used for training and testing:
- Brazilian Coffe Scenes
- PatternNet
- RSICB-256
- WHU-RS19
Dataroots must be hardcoded in the corresponding data/$ file. A script will automatically generate a dataset file in the dataroot folder the first time a dataset is used to avoid systematic parsing.
Run the following script to train (replace $CHECKPOINTS_DIR with the location where you want to save networks and tensorboard data):
Training on multiple datasets
python3 --batch-size 32 --batch-test 512 --checkpoints-dir $CHECKPOINTS_DIR --dim 512 --gpu-ids 0 --imsize 256 --lr 0.0001 --model deepdesc --net resnet50 --niter 10 --niter-decay 5 --save-epoch-freq 1 --val-freq 1 --test-dataset aid --whiten
Test performance can be evaluated while training using the --test-datasets option (multiple datasets possible), or separately using a trained model loaded from a run folder $RUN:
python3 --model deepdesc --load-from $RUN --net resnet50 --dim 512 --whiten --gpu-ids 0 --test-datasets aid --batch-test 512
Have a look at the detailed method and results in our Earthvision 2022 paper (CVPR workshop) that received the Best Paper Award. If you reuse our code or results, please consider citing:
title = {Cross-dataset Learning for Generalizable Land Use Scene Classification},
doi = {10.1109/CVPRW56347.2022.00144},
booktitle = {2022 {IEEE}/{CVF} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops ({CVPRW})},
author = {Gominski, Dimitri and Gouet-Brunet, Valérie and Chen, Liming},
date = {2022-06},
Thanks to :
- for the GeM descriptor
- for the computation of Mahalanobis distance
- for the Smooth AP loss
- for the code structure