This is a project written by Daniel Harper and Andy Weaver for CSCI 4560 (Evolutionary Computation) taught by Dr. Khaled Rasheed. The majority of files in this repository are taken from the OpenLap Lap Time Simulator by Michael Chalkiopoulos. This repository can be found here: OpenLap GitHub.
This is a genetic algorithm (details of algorithm below) using the OpenLap Lap Time Simulator as a fitness function. The goal is to perform optimization over a lap time for a Formula 1 car (representation details below)
- Population:
- Size 30
- Initial Range: [5-100, 1-10]
- Representation:
- List of doubles
- Selection:
- Type: Tournament Selection
- Tournament Size: 2
- Crossover:
- Crossover Fraction: 0.8
- Crossover Function: Intermediate
- Mutation:
- Mutation Function: Constraint Dependent
random - numpy - deap - xlsxwriter - matlab.engine -
Vehicle representation is stored in an Excel spreadsheet file type '.xlsx'. We used the xlsxwriter library in Python to take an array of integer, double, and string values to store in a spreadsheet. Below is a list of all 51 values needed for the OpenVEHICLE file to represent a vehicle for use with the lap time simulator
Name - 'Formula 1'
Type - 'Open Wheel'
Air Density - 1.225
Total Mass - 798
Steering Rack Ratio - 10
Pedal Ratio - 4
Grip Factor Multiplier - 1
Tire Radius - 457
Rolling Resistance - -0.001
Longitudinal Friction Coefficient - 2
Longitudinal Friction Load Rating - 300
Longitudinal Friction Sensitivity - 0.0001
Lateral Friction Coefficient - 2
Lateral Friction Load Rating - 300
Lateral Friction Sensitivity - 0.0001
Power Factor Multiplier - 1
Thermal Efficiency - 0.35
Fuel Lower Heating Value - 47200000
Drive Type - 'RWD'
Gear Shift Time - 0.01
Primary Gear Efficiency - 1
Final Gear Efficiency - 0.92
Gearbox Efficiency - 0.98
CL Scale Multiplier - 1
CD Scale Multiplier - 1
9th gear ratio - ''
10th gear ratio - ''
Primary Gear Reduction - 1
Final Gear Reduction - 8
Pad Friction Coefficient - 0.45
Caliper Piston Diameter - 52
Master Cylinder Piston Diameter - 32.5
Front Mass Distribution - [44.5, 54]
Wheelbase - [3460, 3600]
Lift Coefficient CL - [-4.4, -2.8]
Drag Coefficient CD - [-1.1, -0.7]
Front Aero Distribution - [50, 70]
Frontal Area - [0.9, 1.4]
Disc Outer Diameter - [325, 330]
Pad Height - [52, 52.8]
Caliper Number of Pistons - [1, 6]
Front Cornering Stiffness - [800, 1200]
Rear Cornering Stiffness - [800, 1200]
1st gear ratio - [2, 3]
2nd gear ratio - [1.75, 2.2]
3rd gear ratio - [1.5, 1.9]
4th gear ratio - [1.2, 1.6]
5th gear ratio - [1.15, 1.4]
6th gear ratio - [1.05, 1.25]
7th gear ratio - [0.9, 1.15]
8th gear ratio - [0.75, 1]