Django single page application for Yeoman
Create a virtual environment and install django:
$ virtualenv myenv
Activate the environment:
$ . myenv/bin/activate
Install the django single page app generator
$ npm install generator-djangospa -g
$ yo djangospa
The generator will ask the name of the project, an initial app name, which version of django, theme, licensing and after that it will download all the project dependencies and run gulp to copy files over to proper locations.
├─┬ app\
│ └─┬ templates\
│ └── app\
├── demo\
├─┬ source\
│ └── scss\
├─┬ static\
│ ├─┬ scripts\
│ │ └── app\
│ │
│ ├─┬ styles\
│ │ └── css\
│ │
│ └── view_templates\
└── templates\
$ cd <name_of_your_project>
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you are using pipenv
you can run:
$ pipenv install -r requirements.txt
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser
$ python loaddata fixtures/initdata.json
$ python runserver
Access your application at
Access browsable API at
The django admin page is enabled by default and it can be accessed at
Task | Description |
copy-styles | Copy all the CSS dependencies to static/styles/css/ |
copy-scripts | Copy all the JavaScript dependencies to static/scripts/ |
sass | Compile the SCSS files into CSS |
sass:watch | Watch for changes in the scss files and run the sass task |
Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Furtado. Code released under the MIT license