This is a small builder api for a console application. It supports validation, completion and history. Used libraries are jline and guava (compile and runtime).
- Validation
- Completion
- Conversion
- Guava Optional support
- Extensive enum support (automatic completion, conversion and validation)
- History
- Question specific history
- IOExceptions from jline encapsulated into runtime exceptions
- Builder api
- User input as result of builder
console-builder is available on maven-central. Add the following to your pom.xml
String firstName = ConsoleBuilder.ask("Please enter your first name")
.validateWith(Validators.notEmpty("Empty String not allowed"))
.validateWith(Validators.regex("[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]{2,}", "Invalid format"))
ConsoleBuilder.print("Hello " + firstName);
Result in terminal:
Please enter your first name
> |
Empty String not allowed
Invalid format
Please enter your first name
> a|
Invalid format
Please enter your first name
> Dominik|
Hello Dominik
public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE }
Gender gender = ConsoleBuilder.ask("Please enter your gender")
.answer(Gender.class, "Please enter valid gender");
Console.print("Gender " + gender.toString());
Result in terminal:
Please enter your gender
> robot|
Please enter valid gender
Please enter your gender
> <Tab>|
female male
> m<Tab>|
> male|
Gender male
Integer age = ConsoleBuilder.ask("how old are you?")
.completeWith(new StringsCompleter("22", "33", "44", "55", "66"))
.validateWith(validateAge("please enter valid age"))
Console.print("Age " + age);
Result in terminal:
how old are you?
> <Tab>|
22 33 44 55 66
> 4<Tab>|
> 44|
Age 44
String favoriteColor = ConsoleBuilder.ask("What ist your favorite color?")
Console.print("Color " + color);
Result in terminal:
What ist your favorite color?
> red|
Color red
Second run
What ist your favorite color?
> <ArrowUp>|
> red|
Color red
Optional<String> company = ConsoleBuilder.ask("Please enter your company name")
.validateWith(Validators.regex("[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]{2,}", "Invalid format"))
Console.print("company: " + company.or("-");
Result in terminal:
Please enter your company name
> x
Invalid format
Please enter your company name
company: -
Person person = new Person(
Ask.ask("Please enter first name").validateWith(Validators.notEmpty("Empty not allowed")).answer(),
Ask.ask("Please enter gender").answer(Gender.class, "Please enter valid gender"),
Ask.ask("Please enter age").answer(toInteger())
Console.print("person: " + person);
Result in terminal:
Please enter first name
> Buzz Lightyear
Please enter gender
> male
Please enter age
> 25
person: Person{name=Buzz Lightyear, gender=MALE, age=25}
console-builder-example is configured to a single runnable jar with maven-assembly-plugin. Run it with
java -jar console-builder-example-1.4.jar
console-builder is based on jline. Within my terminal I have problems with the combination of jline and the exec-maven-plugin. After finishing the programm, my terminal doesn't work right and I have to close it and open a new one.
If you wan't to run it from your IDE (tested with IntelliJ Idea and Eclipse), start it with the following property.
System.setProperty("jline.terminal", "jline.UnsupportedTerminal");
Completion and history are not supported within the IDE console.