This project contains all of the firmware and software necessary to make a giant circuit playground.
The circuit playground firmware is in the "CircuitPlayGround2Ft" folder.
Treat this as any other .ino file, and just flash it to the Actual Circuit Playground
The Teensy firmware is in the "TestEthern" folder.
To flash the teensy, you will need to install Teensyduino into Arduino. The firmware should compile after Teensyduino has been setup.
After the firmware has been compiled, press the reset button on the Teensy to flash it.
The Raspberry Pi python scripts are in the "RaspPiPythonScripts" folder.
If this is a new setup, you will need to open the file and follow these steps:
- Scroll down to line 12 and set the SystemType variable as follows
- SystemType = 0 for the 4 foot playground
- SystemType = 1 for the 2 foot playground
- Test that running works.
- If it works, then we need to set this up to be called on reboot.
- Find the path to the file
- Edit /etc/rc.local as root
- Write "sudo /usr/bin/python <path from first step> &" on the last line of the file
- Save the file and reboot!
Shows a series of animations, bright colors, and the DigiKey logo. Designed to grab attention from far away
Uses Accelerometers to spin a rainbow. Players can experiment with making the rainbow move faster, slower, reverse direction, and stop!
Play Simon! Hopefully we can call it "Simon" legally.
The circuit playground acts as a giant VU meter!
Reset the circuit playground.
The Circuit Playground library continuously auto calibrates its capacitive touch which can cause it to be unresponsive if left for long periods of time. Resetting the system will make it responsive again.
Plug the circuit playground into the Raspberry Pi and reboot the system.
This is a known bug. The python code will not start if a circuit playground is not plugged into the Raspberry Pi on startup.
Raspberry Pi 3 connects over Ethernet to a Teensy 3.2 with Ethernet Shield/WIZ820IO and an OCTOWS shield.
The Adafruit 8x8 matrices are connected clockwise from the top right Matrix to output 1. 1-6 are in order, output 7 connects to matrix 7 & 8, output 8 connects to matrix 9 & 10.
Raspberry Pi 3 with a LED matrix shield from OSHpark. Matrices are connected in line clockwise beginning with the top right matrix with 16 pin IDC cables.