Main Improvments/Changes (Please read!):
- Frequency Translation +/-12kHz uses a new (more efficient) algorithm.
+/-6 will continue to use the old approach - RX to TX switching noise (Spikes/Pops on HF) have been eliminated.
Analog Inputs (LineIn and Mic) imply muting for at least 40ms, digital
signals (USB,CW) have no extra muting. Be aware that your PTT switch on
a mike may now cause unwanted noise, due to faster switching. Use "TX
Initial Muting" in the Configuration Menu to increase muting time. - Switching between RX and TX is now much faster. Typical latency is
about 10ms from starting to process the PTT request until TX is enabled
(some inputs add more muting, see above). It may be too fast if you use
a PA, use "TX Initial Muting". - I2C buses are now clocked faster. Makes startup faster, switching
between RX/TX faster, save config to EEPROM is 4 times faster. This may
cause problems with frequency changes (red digits) or I2C EEPROM not
being recognized. We tried on several machines and the current speed
settings worked on all of them but YMMV. - Some graphic operation speed improvements, mostly visible for SPI
display users. - Fixed some bugs, made new ones.
- Last but not least: Added automatically generated menu documentation,
thanks to Stephan (HB9OCQ). The one always matching the daily build (but
not yet complete one) can be found here:
Please support the development by testing and reporting issues with good
description how to reproduce the problem.