Docker Desktop is required. If you don't have installed you can install by going to:
Run the installer and accept all the defaults.
Start Docker Desktop, give it more memory, and restart it The default is 2GB. Increase this to at least 4GB, we recommend half your system's memory up to 16GB.
Ensure that "Use Docker Compose V2" is selected on the General tab. If this is not done your container names will not be correct.
If your not on windows your screen may look different however there will be a checkbox for Compose V2.
If you're on Windows, and it's integrated with WSL2, your Docker Desktop Settings will look like this.
Set the following environment variables if you want the container to set up your .gitconfig.
The system will try to copy .gitconfig from you host home before creating one if USE_HOST_HOME=yes.
GIT_EMAIL=<your email address>
GIT_NAME=<your name>
Modify /etc/hosts
and add the line host.docker.internal
Docker Desktop probably did this for you already.
Checkout your hosts file to make sure. C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Run editor as Admin to edit it if necessary.
The first time you launch the GDC it can take several minutes to pull in and build all the layers.
Subsequent launches will be much faster as the layers will be cached.
This will allow you to more easily launch dev containers.
There is only one docker daemon running on the host. The docker daemon does not get run inside the dev container.
The dev container communicates with the host docker daemon using the docker socket that is mounted inside the dev container.
When you run a container from inside the dev container it is started on the host and runs alongside the dev container.
There is no container inside container nesting. All containers are siblings.
Building a container inside the dev container will act as expected in terms of file paths / operations.
The tricky part has to do with volume mounts. Since the newly built container will run alongside the dev container and not in it,
You must specify mount points as absolute host paths.
Example to mount something from within the dev container workspace:
version: "3.8"
- ${HOST_PROJECT_PATH}/configs/myconfig:/etc/myconfig
Ports that are exposed to the host can be accessed inside of containers via host.docker.internal.
The host record host.docker.internal on the host allows it to use the same name.
This allows you to use same DNS name both inside and outside of containers.
Now that you've finished setting up your host.
run the script
in the root of this repository.
Running with no arguments or -h
as first arguments will display help. [STACK_NAME] [GDC_RUN_MODE | PORT_FWD | GDC_ENTRYPOINT]
- your current working directory will be mounted in container on
- STACK_NAME if not set via GDC_NAME env var or as first arg will be generated based on current folder. It's used to name the stack in case you want to run more than one.
- GDC_RUN_MODE optional, valid values are start, stop, daemon, clean. start is the default.
- start will start the GDC environment.
- daemon will start a GDC environment in the background.
- stop will shut down a running GDC environment running in foreground or background.
- clean start GDC environment with CLEAN=yes flag.
- PORT_FWD optional, is in compose port forward format. Example 80:8080 or 4000-4005. You can specify this param more than once.
- GDC_ENTRYPOINT optional, runs a command in the GDC."
- the docker compose exit code will mirror the return code of the entrypoint command."
- if the entrypoint command returns a non-zero exit code even if GDC_RUN_MODE=daemon then compose will exit."
This configuration enables shared DNS between LocalStack and the Dev Container. The DevContainer will use LocalStack's DNS service.
Create a file called .env-gdc
in the root of your project direct. Put the following in it:
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export GDC_NAME=lappc
export LS_VERSION=latest
export LS_IMAGE=localstack/localstack-pro # use localstack/localstack if you are using LocalStack Community
export USE_AWS=yes
export USE_LOCALSTACK_DNS=yes # Configure the dev container to use LocalStack for DNS
export LOCALSTACK_HOST_DNS_PORT="" # this makes LocalStack not map port 53 the host
As of Localstack 4.0 LOCALSTACK_API_KEY
is no longer supported. Use LOCALSTACK_AUTH_TOKEN
generated by the new token system from LS.
If you're using LocalStack Pro, create a file called .env-gdc-local
in it.
# Required LocalStack Pro 4.x
export LOCALSTACK_AUTH_TOKEN="<your real token>"
# Only for versions prior to 4.0
export LOCALSTACK_API_KEY="<your real key>"
Run your project with GDC
These options control what packages / functionality are built into the container.
vars are yes / no values for toggling related options.
- GDC_NAME= - PROJECT_NAME will be set to this if no command line argument is specified for name.
- GDC_DNS_PRI_IP= - sets primary dns for GDC container. USE_LOCALSTACK_DNS=yes will override this.
- GDC_DNS_SEC_IP= - sets secondary dns for GDC container. This value is only used if GDC_DNS_PRI_IP is set.
- PROJECT_NAME=<set to 1st command line parameter when is invoked> - used to suffix DEVNET_NAME, LOCALSTACK_VOLUME_DIR, DEV_CONTAINER_NAME.
- DEV_CONTAINER_NAME=dev-1 - sets the dev container name and is prepended with PROJECT_NAME.
- COMPOSE_BIN="docker compose" - sets method of execution for compose. Should be set to ether "docker compose" or "docker-compose"
- ROOT_PW=ContainersRule - sets root password in container.
- CHECK_UPDATES=yes - check for GDC updates on each login.
- USE_WORKSPACE=yes - mounts folder from host into /workspace folder in container. Setting this option to "no" is useful if you only want to use tools inside the container and not interact with a project.
- USE_HOST_HOME=yes - mounts users home directory into container under /root/host-home. Readonly unless USE_HOST_HOME_RW=yes. Required by some other options.
- USE_HOST_HOME_RW=no - mounts users home directory into container under /root/host-home. Read write. Required if USE_AWS_SYMLINK=yes
- USE_HOME_BIN=no - copy bin folder from host home directory if it exists. Enables USE_HOST_HOME.
- SHOW_VERSIONS_ON_LOGIN=yes # show versions of installed tools on login
- PULUMI_VERSION= - a version or "latest" must be specified for Pulumi to be installed.
- TERRAFORM_VERSION= - set to latest or specify version. Versions are here.
- PHP_VERSION= - installs any of the following PHP versions 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2.
- USE_DOT_NET=no - installs .NET SDK v6.x.
- USE_JAVA=no - installs headless openjdk v11.x.
- PYTHON_VERSION=3.11 - installs Python v3.12, which is highest aws lambda supported python runtime that runs on Amazon linux 2
- PIP_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS_TXT= - if set should be a name of a requirements pip file to be installed if python is installed.
- USE_PRECOMMIT=no - installs git pre-commit hooks in repo if not already installed. Enables Python if not already enabled.
- USE_AWS=no - installs AWS CLI version specified by AWS_VERSION, SSM Plugin and EKS IAM auth helper as well as aws helper scripts and aliases.
- AWS_VERSION=latest - installs specified AWS cli version if USE_AWS=yes. Defaults to latest.
- USE_AWS_HOME=yes - copies ~/.aws folder from host if exists to container /root/.aws. Enables USE_HOST_HOME.
- USE_AWS_SYMLINK=no - use symlink to home .aws if exists and USE_HOST_HOME=yes and USE_AWS_HOME=yes
- USE_BITWARDEN=yes - installs Bitwarden cli and enables NODE_VERSION=18 if NODE_VERSION is not already configured.
- PERSIST_BITWARDEN_SESSION=no - persist bitwarden session to /root/persisted volume and autoload it in subsequent logins. Reduces need to enter master password, but is less secure.
- USE_CDK=USE_AWS - installs aws cdk, terraform, cdk for terraform and enables NODE_VERSION=18 if NODE_VERSION is not already configured. Defaults to value of USE_AWS.
- RUST_VERSION= - installs latest rust and cargo if set to stable or a specific version.
- GOLANG_VERSION= - installs specified version of golang. Specify latest to fetch current version.
- CARGO_EXTRA= - if set should be a quoted space separated list of cargo packages you want installed.
- NODE_VERSION=22 - installs NVM and requested node version.
- USE_LOCALSTACK=yes - enables some localstack helpers.
- USE_LOCALSTACK_PRO=yes - enables localstack pro keys / tokens.
- USE_LOCALSTACK_PERSISTENCE=no - toggle persistent storage for LS defaults to persistence disabled.
- LOCALSTACK_API_KEY= # only needed for local stack pro.
- LOCALSTACK_AUTH_TOKEN= # (future) only needed for local stack pro.
- LS_MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME=localstack_PROJECT_NAME - used by localstack to name main container. Can also be accessed via this name inside containers.
- LS_IMAGE=localstack/localstack - if LOCALSTACK_API_KEY or LOCALSTACK_AUTH_TOKEN is specified then defaults to localstack/localstack-pro. Can override with custom image location. Still uses LS_VERSION to create final image location.
- LS_VERSION= - starts a localstack container running specified version.
- USE_LOCALSTACK_HOST=yes - forwards localstack ports to host if LS_VERSION is set.
- USE_LOCALSTACK_SHARED=no - mount gdc shared volume in LS container under /shared.
- USE_LOCALSTACK_DNS=no - assigns static ip to LS container and sets GDC to use its dns.
- LOCALSTACK_STATIC_IP= - sets a static ip for LS container if set. Will be auto set if not specified and USE_LOCALSTACK_DNS=yes.
- LOCALSTACK_HOST_DNS_PORT=53 - when LocalStack is running in host mode forward this port from host to localstack. Set to blank string to disable localstack DNS forward.
- LS_DNS_NAME_PATTERNS_TO_RESOLVE_UPSTREAM= - space separated list of regex patterns to resolve upstream.
- LS_LOG= - set logging level for localstack. can be set to trace then exported with
curl -s localhost:4566/_localstack/diagnose | gzip -cf > diagnose.json.gz
. - USE_AUTH0=no - starts an auth0 mock authentication server. Can be accessed via name auth0_mock inside containers. Auth0 Mock docs.
- USE_AUTH0_HOST=yes - starts an auth0 mock authentication server with host port forward.
- AUTH0_HOST_PORT=3001 - sets host port for auth0 mock server to listen on if USE_AUTH0_HOST=yes.
- AUTH0_CONTAINER_NAME=auth0_mock_PROJECT_NAME - set name of auth0 container so more than one can be used in parallel.
- AUTH0_LOCAL_USERS_FILE= - used to specify location in container relative to /workspace for auth0 to mount users-local.json override file.
- AUTH0_AUDIENCE=portal - used to override auth0 audience default of app.
- AUTH0_DEFAULT_USER=user1 - used to auto-populate login form.
- AUTH0_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=user1 - used to auto-populate login form.
- USE_COLOR_PROMPT=yes - enables colorized bash prompt in container.
- - copies SSH keys from list of hosts to known-hosts file.
- SSH_SERVER_PORT= - if set will start sshd and forward this port from host to sshd in container.
- PORT_FWD0 through PORT_FWD9= - allows up to 10 custom ports to forwards to specified in docker compose format.
- EXTRA_PACKAGES= - if set should be a quoted space separated list of ubuntu:latest packages names you want installed.
- NO_SSH_AGENT= - set this to any value to disable any attempt to mount SSH agent socket inside dev container.
- DEVNET_NAME= - name of gdc dev network that all containers will be attached to.
- DEVNET_SUBNET= - cidr notation subnet.
- DEVNET_GATEWAY= - gateway ip inside DEVNET_SUBNET.
- CLEAN= - stops and removes existing stack and devnet, then does docker system prune before starting new dev container.
- CLEAN_ONLY= - stops and removes existing stack and devnet, then does docker system prune and exits.
- VISUAL=vi - editor for visual editing. Usual set to same as EDITOR var.
- EDITOR=vi - editor for less advanced terminal editing. Usually set to same as VISUAL var.
- DOCKER_OS_PLATFORM= can be used by docker commands to build containers for other arch's.
- GDC_ENTRYPOINT= - runs the command in the GDC then exits if GDC_RUN_MODE!=daemon.
- SHARED_VOLUMES_EXTRA= - list separated by space of custom volumes you want shared between all GDC's.
- GDC_RUN_MODE=start - valid options are start, stop, and daemon.
- FORCE_PROJECT_PATH= - if this is specified then WORKSPACE will be mounted from this path instead of current working directory.
- HOST_CUSTOM_MOUNT= - used to mount custom dir on host to /host_custom_mount in container.
- NO_DEVNET_RM= # if set to yes, GDC will not remove the DEVNET.
- COMPOSE_EX= - add specified compose yaml file to list of compose files that get loaded for solution. Note paths in specified compose.yaml are relative to generic-dev-container repo folder.
- STARTUP_MSG= - displays this message after container has started and init script is complete.
- COPY_CMD_TO_CLIPBOARD=yes - copy gdc shell launch command to clipboard.
- USE_PROXY=no - can be no/proxy/dump/web.
- USE_PROXY_CA=yes - if yes and USE_PROXY is not set to no then install proxy CA in GDC
- USE_PROXY_HOST=no - can be no/yes.
- PROXY_VERSION=latest - version of proxy image to start.
- PROXY_CONTAINER_NAME=proxy - name of proxy container.
- PROXY_HOST_PORT=8080 - host proxy port.
- PROXY_WEB_HOST_PORT=8081 - host port when running in web mode.
- PROXY_VOLUME_DIR=$HOST_PROJECT_PATH/proxy_volume - where to persist cert files.
- PROXY_AUTO_EXPORT_ENV=no # auto export HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY set to PROXY_URL. PROXY_URL is auto set when USE_PROXY_HOST != no
- HOST_PROJECT_PATH - Absolute path to mounted workspace on host. Can be used to map /workspace paths to host paths.
- HOST_PROJECT_REL_PATH - Project path on host relative to GDC repository. This can be used to set vars needed by compose files specified in COMPOSE_EX environment variable.
- GDC_PARENT - if GDC is launched from inside another GDC this will be set to name of parent.
- HOST_HOME - set to user's home directory on host machine.
- GDC_CONTAINER_NAME - name of GDC container running in docker.
- GDC_COMPOSE_FILES - contains list of all compose files in use to run GDC.
- SHARED_VOLUMES - list of volumes shared between all GDCs.
- CUSTOM_PORTS - list of custom ports forwards from host to container.
- GDC_DIR - contains host location of GDC folder.
- DEV_CONTAINER - set to current dev container version. You can also use this to detect if you are running in a dev container.
- PROXY_URL - url of proxy server for use with http proxy related configs
For example, to set a custom environment variable inside the dev container like MY_VAR="MY VALUE". Execute something like the following
After shelling into the dev container you can do:
echo $MY_VAR
You should see "MY VALUE"
The above environment variable values are the default unless overridden by environment variables setup in your environment or on the command line.
Specific gdc related env files GDC_PROJECT_PATH/.env-gdc
, GDC_PROJECT_PATH/.env-gdc-local
and $HOST_PROJECT_PATH/.env-gdc-local
will be sourced if they exist in the order listed before building and launching the container.
should be checked in with project and .env-gdc-local
should be ignored by .gitignore
Format of the files should be as follows:
export ROOT_PW=iAmGroot
The GDC will attempt to use a binary package for python if its available for the version specified in the env var PYTHON_VERSION
To help ensure there is a binary match its best to only specify the major and minor version of python you need for example PYTHON_VERSION=3.11 instead of 3.11.5
If a binary match for the version requested cant be found the exact version will be compiled and installed. This takes significantly longer that if a binary match is found.
- GDC auto installs a set of packages such as uv, pyenv, black, pylint, pyright. The full list can be found the GDC repo under root/bin/requirements.txt
- if you specify a file from your repo using PIP_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS_TXT env var, those will be installed as well.
- /var/run/docker.sock - mounted from host to allow docker to be used and controlled from within container.
- /workspace - folder is the project folder mounted from the host.
- /root/persisted - is a persisted volume between containers of same stack.
- /root/bash_history - is a persisted volume for bash history between containers of same stack.
- /root/shared - is a persisted volume that is shared between all dev containers regardless of stack.
- /root/home-host - when USE_HOST_HOME=yes folder is mounted from users home directory on host.
- /root/gdc-host - GDC root folder is mounted from host.
- /root/.pulumi - folder is a persisted volume shared between all dev containers.
- /root/.cache - folder is a persisted volume shared between all dev containers.
- /root/.config - folder is a persisted volume shared between all dev containers.
- /root/bin-extra -- folder contains helper scripts for GDC.
- /root/bin-extra/aws - folder contains aws related helper scripts. Only added to path if USE_AWS=yes is set.
- /root/bin-extra/docker - folder contains docker related helper files and is added to path.
- /root/bin-extra/ls - folder for localstack helper files and is added to path.
- /root/bin-extra/auth0 - folder for auth0 helper files and is added to path.
- /root/bin - when USE_HOST_HOME=yes and USE_HOME_BIN=yes folder is copied from /root/home-host/bin if it exists.
- /root/.aws - when USE_AWS_HOME=yes folder is copied from /root/home-host/.aws if it exists, otherwise it will be symlinked to /root/shared/.aws volume if it exists.
- /usr/local/share/.cache - used to persist cache for npm, yarn, and pip
When .bashrc is loaded if the following file is present it will be sourced /root/persisted/
This allows persisted customization to login shell.
When the environment var USE_PRECOMMIT=yes the container on startup will check if pre-commit has already been set up on project.
If it has not it will do a pre-commit install
in the /workspace folder which should map to the repository root.
The repository should have commit rules setup to run formatting and linting before the commit.
Python files will be formatted using black and flake8 standards, so you should ensure your IDE of choice is set the same.
On your first commit the pre-commit plugin will need to download and install some additional plugins, so you may experience a delay on 1st commit.
If any files fail to format or pass lint after being formatted the commit will be rejected until the issues displayed are corrected.
- Disables color prompt in shell
- Mounts /repos/finance-portal to /workspace inside of container.
- names the dev stack "fp"
- Forwards port 3030 inside container to host port 3030.
USE_COLOR_PROMPT=no /repos/generic-dev-container/ /repos/finance-portal fp 3030:3030
- Launch dev container in current folder
- Names the stack "dev"
- Enables SSH server and forwards port 1022 on host to sshd in container
- sets root password to IamGroot
SSH_SERVER_PORT=1022 ROOT_PW=IamGroot `pwd` dev
docker exec -it fp-dev-1 bash -l
You want to specify the "-l" parameter to bash to ensure it behaves as a login shell.
Failure to do so may cause some environment variables to unset or incorrect.
Also note that using the shell button in the docker services tab of your does not execute the shell as a login shell.
Instead you should find the dev container in the container list right click it and select "Exec"
Then select the "Create and run" option and type "bash -l"
After doing this once you only have to right-click on container select "Exec" and click the already available option of "bash -l"
AWS_USERNAME is usually first_name.last_name but that is not a strict requirement and depends on your setup.
AWS_PROFILE_NAME is how you named your aws profile in your aws config file.
source paul.robello paul-identity arn:aws:iam::441193001985:role/sandboxAdmin MFA_TOKEN
JUMP_HOST_REGION is the aws region where the jumphost is deployed examples us-west-2, us-east-1, etc...
export AWS_REGION=us-west-2;export AWS_PROFILE=paul-identity; i-04b4c8a1ddc845fb8
JUMP_HOST_REGION_WITH_AZ means you must append the correct availability zone where the jumphost is deployed a,b,c,d to the region. Example us-west2a
export AWS_REGION=us-west-2; i-04b4c8a1ddc845fb8 us-west-2a 6432 5432
If you want to use a tool on your host to connect to the tunnel opened in your dev container then you must forward the port to the host when creating the dev container.
Example if you want to use pg_admin on your host to connect to an RDS in AWS, you would create the container with something like fp 6432:6432
Then assume your role and forward your port like the examples above.
Then you can open pg_admin on your host and connect to
This will pass the connection from the host port 6431 to the container port 6432 which will then be forwarded through the jump tunnel to the rds on port 5432.
A special virtual network named "devnet" is created and all dev containers are attached to it.
This allows them all to communicate with one another as well as any other containers attached to it.
Its recommended that if you create additional containers that you attach them to the same network to allow for easier debug and connections.
version: "3.8"
external: true
The network name for devnet can be overridden with environment variable DEVNET_NAME
The docker socket is mounted inside the dev container giving it full access to the docker daemon.
This enables a single port or port rage to be forwarded from the host to the container.
Example: PORT_FWD1="8080:80" would forward port 8080 from host to port 80 inside the dev container.
This enables a single port or port rage to be forwarded from the host to the container.
Example: PORT_FWD2="2000-2020" would forward port range 2000-2020 from host to corresponding ports inside the dev container.
This enables the sshd server in the container and starts it inside the container on port 22, then forwards the specified port on the host to port 22 inside the container. Example: SSH_SERVER_PORT=1022 would forward port 1022 on the host to port 22 inside the dev container.
- - checks GDC repo for updated version
- - executes a command in another GDC related container. Supports tab completion for available container names.
- - executes another GDC while inside a GDC. Note you should only launch a GDC from a folder under /workspace.
- - allows for running commands from pipeline.
- ls_gdc_network - list all containers running on current GDC network.
- NAME - NAME can be a full or partial container name to tail the logs of
- NAME SHELL - NAME can be a full or partial container name to execute SHELL inside. If SHELL is not specified then bash will be assumed.
- NAME - NAME can be a full or partial container name to stop
- - shows an auto refreshing list of container stats.
AWS SSO Setup - Allows you to use AWS web console to easily access all accounts you have access to.
AWS Identity Setup - Required if your AWS organization uses an identity account
- - Sets up your local .aws folder with config and credentials files.
- - Uses SSM to assume role in target account.
- - Creates SSM SSH port forward tunnel from host to EC2 container.
- - Copy files to or from EC2 host using SSM SSH.
- - SSM SSH to EC2 host.
- - Executes command on EC2 host using SSM.
- - Exports AWS_* and PULUMI_* from environment to a file named aws_session in current folder.
- - Checks for needed configs required to shell into ecs containers
- awslocal - requires python be enabled
- terraform-local - requires python be enabled
- unset-aws - Unsets AWS_* and PULUMI_* from environment.
- aws-otp - if aws and bitwarden are enabled this will get and display your aws MFA token.
- awsl - invokes aws cli with endpoint set to localstack
- [-h|host|internal] - starts localstack container in specified mode. If not specified will attempt to autodetect.
- [-h|host|internal] - starts localstack container in specified mode. If not specified will attempt to autodetect.
- [-h|host|internal] - starts auth0 mock container in specified mode. If not specified will attempt to autodetect.
- [-h|host|internal] - stops auth0 mock container. If not specified will attempt to autodetect.
- [username] - logs into auth0 mock and returns auth token. Builds URL with $AUTH0_CONTAINER_NAME and defaults to login of $AUTH0_DEFAULT_USER with pw of $PASSWORD unless username param is specified then that name will look up password in users-local.json or users.json file being used by Auth0 mock.
Bitwarden Setup - Optional paid high efficiency workflow.
- unlock - unlocks your vault writing session key to /root/.bw_session, syncs it with cloud, and calls load_aliases. /root/.bw_session will be sourced by any other shells you open to reduce need to unlock vault.
- load_aliases - loads the secure note with name aws-ident into your environment.
- bw_reload - syncs vault with cloud and calls load_aliases.
- aws-otp - if aws and bitwarden are enabled this will get and display your aws MFA token.
Debugging - Info on ways to debug scripts in inside the container from IDE running on host.
If your GDC fails to start with an error similar to "failed to solve: executor failed running ..."
This happens when cached layers don't match what the Docker file thinks is already in place.
You can try one of the following environment variables to resolve the error.
Many times only CLEAN=yes is needed, however if the problem persist you can use CLEAN_ONLY=yes then start the GDC as you normally would.
- CLEAN=yes - stops and removes existing stack and devnet, then does docker system prune before starting new dev container.
- CLEAN_ONLY=yes - stops and removes existing stack and devnet, then does docker system prune and exits.
If you continue to have issues you can try the following to blow out all docker cache:
docker system prune -af
- All OS stop all GDC's and localstack containers and remove the following folders if they exist.
- $HOST_PROJECT_PATH/ls_volume folder
- /tmp/ls_volume*
- /c/tmp/ls_volume*