Set up a CDH Hadoop cluster with Cloudera Manager installed in < 5 minutes.
Manage your Hadoop cluster with this suite of command line tools.
Tested on CentOS 7.4
# Create the real config file
cp config.example.rb config.rb
# Edit it, adding the hostnames of your cluster boxes and ssh credentials
vim config.rb
# Let it rip!
./ctk install
# In ~5 minutes, it should output a message that says:
"Cloudera Manager is running at:"
./ctk run "cat /proc/meminfo"
./ctk run "yum install -y ntp"
./ctk shell
This "interactive shell" is just Pry's debugging feature, with a breakpoint that triggers after the codebase is loaded. We'll make it prettier soon.
[1] pry(main)>
# Get a collection of all the servers in your cluster
> boxes = Box.all
# This returns a BoxGroup, which is just a Ruby Array with some additional features
> boxes.count
# You can treat it like a normal array
> boxes.each{ |box| box.cmd("ls /tmp") }
> boxes.first.cmd("ls /tmp")
# You can also run commands on all boxes concurrently
# This will as many concurrent processes as you have available CPU cores
# i.e. - If you have an 4 core processor with hyperthreading, it will operate in batches of 8
> boxes.cmd_all("yum install -y ntp")
# Or, you can concurrently run a set of instructions on all boxes
> boxes.each_concurrently do |box|
> box.install("ntp")
> box.service("ntp").start
> box.service("ntp").enable
> box.cmd("mkdir /tmp/tps_reports")
> end
# You can get the Cloudera Manager host like this:
# Or, you can do it like this:
boxes.find{ |svr| svr.hostname == $ }
(Skip this if you already have Ruby 2.0.0+ installed)
yum install -y ruby
This is more complex, but gives you the ability to maintain different versions of Ruby on the same system. If you don't need that feature, just do option 1.
# Install RVM (Ruby version manager)
curl -sSL | bash -s stable
# Install Ruby
rvm install ruby 2.3.0
Bundler manages Ruby libraries and project dependencies
gem install bundler
yum install -y git
cd ~
# Clone it to either your local machine, or a node on your cluster
git clone
cd ctk
# Use Bundler to install the dependencies
bundle install
# Add the `ctk` executable to your path so you can call it from anywhere
echo export PATH=\"\$PATH:\$HOME/ctk\" >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc