This project focused on a full stack app for Music Festival Organization Service with a Rails API and a React front end.
This focused on making an admin view for different users' festival schedules where you have access to see all schedules and look into the schedule's lineup as well as have the ability to remove a show from a user's schedule
This is the backend that holds the information for users, shows, and schedules and the different routes to provide the necessary information
Fork and clone the repo
Install Dependencies:
bundle install
Set up the database:
rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
Start Your rails server:
rails server
GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/schedules Gets all schedules and the corresponding shows
GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/schedules/SCHEDULE_ID Gets a specific schedule and also has the ability to sort by artist by adding sort_by=artist or can sort by show start time by adding sort_by=artist
DELETE http://localhost:3000/api/v1/schedules/SCHEDULE_ID/shows/SHOW_ID Removes a specified show from a specified schedule and returns the updated schedule
- GitHub Front End Repo:
- GitHub Back End Repo:
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- GitHub Profile