git clone
npm install
npm start
#fafbfc white #412830 dark #e13544 red
#0f2052 #FAFBFF #41177D
- Show rules of the game after user submits username
- Hide navbar on username input and rules screen
- Fix error: GAmeboarScreen.js -> GenerateRandomDices() runs one time too much, because "currentDices" parameter is empty twice
- Style scoreboard page
- When game ends -> save score to scoreboard
- When user click "start new game" -> clear points
- Create check if user tries to add point to number that already have points
- If last round and user don't have any dices for last number/points -> set last number to zero and end game as normal
- Implement bonus point adding at the end of the game
- Create functionality when users click "throw" on gamescreen
- Reset context numbers when user press "Play" on homescreen
- App starts in phone (Expo) without errors and warnings - 5
- Structure of the files: Follows the requirements (preparing exercises) - 5
- Styles: Own styles have been used when developing user interface - 5
- Navigation and navigation props: Follows the requirements - 5
- Home page: Name of the player is asked and passed to Gameboard - 5
- Gameboard: Initialization of the app (new game) works - 5
- Gameboard: Throwing and selecting dices follow the instructions - 5
- Gameboard: Calculating and showing points follow the instructions - 5
- Gameboard: Handling abnormal situations follows the instructions - 5
- Scoreboard: Follows the requirements (clear is not absolute necessity) - 5
- Total 50