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Native DOM changes

Thomas Di Grégorio edited this page Sep 22, 2016 · 9 revisions

What has changed in natives DOM classes

All classes that begin with HTML and finish by Element are referenced into the html package.

// Original classes
HTMLBodyElement === html.Body                      // true
HTMLSectionElement === html.Section                // true
HTMLDivElement === html.Div                        // true
document.createElement('div') instanceof html.Div  // true
// With new constructor
HTMLStyleElement === html.Style                    // true
new html.Style() instanceof html.Style             // true
// Inheritance
HTMLElement === html.Element                       // true
new html.Style() instanceof html.Element           // true
// Additional use
node.constructor in html

Note: You can still access these classes with the original name myDiv instanceof HTMLDivElement

Exception made of classes like Node or Element that are not subclasses of HTMLElement and therefore dont stand in the html package but the global package (window). Before completely loose it by remplacing by the shimmed version (see next inserted shims), theses classes are saved into the Natives package:

  • Natives.EventTarget
  • Natives.Node
  • Natives.Attr
  • Natives.Element
  • Natives.HTMLElement
  • Natives.Document

The inserted shims

Some behaviors need the overriden on the native class definitionn itself. A few classes had been rewritten subclasing the origin and inserted into the prototype chain of the native equivalent.

Theses classes are:

  • Node (shim)
  • Document (methods added, method overriden) TODO: shim to be able to new Document("<html>...")
  • Element (shim)
  • Attr (getter and method added)

The global reference name are replaced by shimed version of the class, but attention was made not to break inheritance so you can still test:

let myH = document.createElement('h1');
console.log( myH instanceof HTMLElement );
console.log( myH instanceof html.Element );
console.log( myH instanceof Element );
console.log( myH instanceof Node );
myH.setAttribute('foo', 42 );
console.log( instanceof Attr );


The shim classes are callable.

let myDiv = new Element('div')                              // <div></div>
  , myCatalog = new Element('my:Catalog')                   // <my:Catalog></my:Catalog>
  , myIcon = new Node('', 'svg')  // <svg xmlns=""></svg>
  , myTextNode = new Node(3)                                // TODO
  , myButtonComponent = new Document('./path/to/comps/Button.xhtml') // TODO

The shim classes are extendable.

class MyButton extends html.Button {}
class MyButton extends html.Element {}
class MyStyle extends html.Style {}
class MyButton extends Element {}
class MyButton extends Node {}

Note: subclass must follow the callable later pattern to have no super() call because native classes can't be instanciated (see callable later pattern)

New inheritance tree

Changes TODO
Natives.Node Moved
Node Brand new class used as shim
Attr 1 getter and 1 method added
Natives.Element Moved
Element Brand new class used as shim
html.Element Same as HTMLElement
Natives.Document 1 getter and 1 method added
Document Brand new class used as shim TODO
html.Document TODO
xml.Document TODO
svg.Document TODO
DocumentFragment Reparented
CharacterData Reparented
Native.Text Moved TODO
Text Brand new class used as shim TODO
DocumentType Reparented

Complete changes table

Class Change type Definition Description
Attr method added initialize():Attr
getter added isXmlns:Boolean
Node constructor new Node( [uri:String, ] localName:String ) Shim replaces native equivalent, respects instanceof
method added applyClass( klass:Function )
method added extends( Class:Function, )
method added cloneNode( recursive:Boolean )
method added merge( object:Object ):Node Experimental, may change name as "merge" is already used often...
method added toXMLString():String
Document method added _createStyleImpl() Private will be renamed using internal symbols.
getter added isHtml5:Boolean
method added initialize( root:Element ):Document May be renamed/removed
method augmented createElement( nodeName ):Element No signature change. Fix XHTML Documents creating nodes with empty namespace
method added loadComponent( node:Element, ext:String )
method added onComponentLoaded( node:Node, doc:Document )
method augmented querySelector( selectors:String ):Element
method augmented querySelectorAll( selectors:String ):Array Signature change, a plain Array is returned
method added $( selectors:String ):Array
Element constructor new Element( [uri:String, ] localName:String ) Shim replaces native equivalent, respects instanceof
method augmented querySelector( selectors:String ):Element
method augmented querySelectorAll(selectors:String ):Array Signature change, a plain Array is returned
method augmented matches(selectors:String ):Boolean No signature change. Accepts namespaced selectors `jx
method added $( selectors:String ):Array
method added initialize():Element May be renamed/removed
method added addToContext( ctx:Object [, force:Boolean] )
method added implementStyle( extendedStyle )
getter added style:CSSStyleDeclaration Natives.Element dont have style, only HTMLElement have style
method added replaceWith( node:Element )
getter added xmlns:Object
getter added namespace:Attr
getter added namespaceURL:String
getter added url:String
method added namespaceReadyHandler( e:Event ) Private will be renamed using internal symbols.
method added readyHandler( e ) Private will be renamed using internal symbols.
method added fixForShadowRoot()
getter added isElement:Boolean
ShadowRoot method added _createStyleImpl Private will be renamed using internal symbols.
method added preinitialize( root:Element ):ShadowRoot
method added initialize( root:Element ):ShadowRoot
method added loadComponent( node:Element, ext:String )
method added onComponentLoaded( node:Node, doc:Document )