A simple slackbot for the DevCongress slack, which does tasks including:
- welcome new members
- greet in the morning and night
- forex exchange to GH¢ e.g.
@botname convert 20 euros
or@botname convert $30
- forex exchange from one currency to another e.g.
@botname convert 20 eur to gbp
- Define common English words e.g.
@botname define fire
or@botname What is the meaning of marketing
- Get jobs from the DevCongress Jobs Board e.g. (DM the bot)
React jobs
orJobs for UI designers
orNode and Rails jobs
- Read the Contribution Guide.
- Open your terminal and run
npm run generate
, follow the prompts to scaffold the required files. - Replace the scaffolded code with your own
- Submit a PR
Find relevant documentation at Botkit and Slack API
Clone the repository
Go to your terminal and navigate to the directory you cloned the code to and run
npm install
Get a Bot token from Slack:
Rename example.env
to .env
and update the environment variables in the file.
Run your bot from the command line:
node index.js
The bot is written with botkit which you can learn more about it here http://howdy.ai/botkit
This project is licensed under the MIT license.