Note this includes language servers, linters, formatters for:
- Javascript and Typescript
- Go
- R
- Sass
Some instructions here assume you're running Linux
Install NvChad
git clone ~/.config/nvim --depth 1
Pick a nerdfont and install it.
unzip -d ~/.fonts
fc-cache -fv
Then set as terminal font.
Place the custom
directory of this repo in ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom
nvm for node version management (default Linux apt quite old) or skip if you have a recent version of node
nvm install 20.9.0
nvm use 20.9.0
Node packages
npm install -g eslint_d @fsouza/prettierd typescript-language-server typescript @johnnymorganz/stylua-bin vscode-langservers-extracted
R packages see r.nvim
install.packages(c("languageserver", "lintr"))
Mason to install language servers
TS linters
:TSInstall html css go jsdoc r