Cross platform CLI Alerts with colors & colored symbols for success, info, warning, error. Work on macOS, Linux, and Windows.
npm install cli-alerts
const alert = require("cli-alerts");
// Provide the type, msg, and name options.
alert({ type: `success`, msg: `Everything finished!` });
// Prints: ✔ SUCCESS Everything finished!
alert({ type: `success`, msg: `Everything finished!`, name: `DONE` });
// Prints: ✔ DONE Everything finished!
alert({ type: `warning`, msg: `You didn't add something!` });
// Prints: ⚠ WARNING You didn't add something!
alert({ type: `info`, msg: `Awais is awesome!` });
// Prints: ℹ INFO Awais is awesome!
alert({ type: `error`, msg: `Something went wrong!` });
// Prints: ✖ ERROR Something went wrong!