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Yanos edited this page Dec 6, 2014 · 2 revisions


XSerialiser come with the deuxsucres.XSerializer.XDocSerializer class wich serialize object into System.Xml.Linq.

Define serializer

First you need to create an serializer :

// New serializer
var serializer = new deuxsucres.XSerializer.XDocSerializer();

To serialize values, XSerializer use a culture (by default System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture). You can change this by setting a culture on XDocSerializer.Culture property.

// Define french culture
serializer.Culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-fr");


To serialize an object call the XDocSerializer.Serialize() method.

// Serialize an object
var node = serializer.Serialize(new String[] { "Un", "Deux", "Trois" });

produce an XElement :


We can serialize an object to an existing XElement :

// Create a node
var node = new XElement("roots");
// Serialize an object to the node
serializer.Serialize(new String[] { "Un", "Deux", "Trois" });

produce an XElement


More details about serialization is available on this page.


To deserialize we used two methods :

  • XDocSerializer.Populate() : apply the value to an existing object.
  • XDocSerializer.Deserialize() : instanciate and populate the new instance.

The population try to apply each child element (attribute or node) to the writable member (field or property) with same name.

With this class

public class Cls
    // Private fields
    private String PValue1 = "Test";
    // Public property        
    public String Value1 { get { return PValue1; } set { PValue1 = value; } }
    // Public field
    public Double Value2 = 7.2;
    // Read only public property
    public int Value3 { get { return 2; } }
    // Protected property
    protected String Value4 { get; set; }
    // Object property
    public Cls Value5 { get; set; }

populate with this XML :

  <Value1>String value</Value1>
Cls c = new Cls();
serializer.Populate(xml, c);

'c' object contains now :

Value1 (string) = "String value"
Value2 (double) = 987
Value3 (int) = 2
Value5 (Cls) = {null}

We obtain the same object with deserialization :

Cls c1 = serializer.Deserialize<Cls>(xml);
Cls c2 = (Cls)serializer.Deserialize(xml, typeof(Cls));

If we deserialize XML without type, if the XML contains child elements it's deserialized to a IDictionary<String, Object>, else it try to convert to value.

var o = serializer.Deserialize(xml);

returns a dictionary :

"Value1" (String) => "String value"
"VALUE2" (Int64) => 987
"V3" (String) => "XXXXX"

and with a nested element

var o = serializer.Deserialize(XParse(
<Value1>String value</Value1>
<V4 sv1=""One"">


"Value1" (String) => "String value"
"VALUE2" (Int64) => 987
"V3" (String) => "XXXXX"
"V4" (IDictionary<String,Object>) = {
  "sv1" (String) => "One"
  "sv2" (String) => "Two"
  "sv3" (Int64) => 123

More details about serialization is available on this page.

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