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Darts Tools

This is a small library of more or less useful stuff. Most things in here used to be carried over from project to project via copy+paste.

Generic Property List Support

The symbols described here are provide by the package. For the benefit of old code, they are also still available via the package, but that should be considered deprecated.

Sometimes it is handy, if an application can store additional data in objects managed by other (say: library) code. One way to achieve that is to add support for "property lists" to objects.

This library provides a generic mechanism for that. The basis are the following generic functions, which form the "core" of the property support:

  • Generic Function property-list objectplist

    Answers a list of keyword/value pairs in plist format, i.e., of the form (indicator1 value1 indicator2 value2 ...), which holds the properties associated with object. The result should be considered immutable by the caller and must not be destructively modified.

  • Generic Function update-property-list object modifierresult

    Modifies the property list associated with object by invoking the given modifier function on the current list, and storing the result as new property list. The modifier is not allowed to destructively modify its input argument; it may, however, produce a new property list, that shares parts of its structure with the old one.

    The modifier must be a function, that returns two values. The first one is the new property list to associate with object. The second value is arbitrary and will be returned from update-property-list.

    The update process happens atomically. The modifier function must be prepared to call multiple times in case the implementation detects a race with some other thread updating the same list concurrently. It should, in particular, not have side-effects.

Given an object of a type, which supports these functions, the following accessors and modifiers work out-of-the-box.

  • Function property-value object indicator &optional defaultvalue foundp

    Looks up the property with the given indicator (a symbol) in the property list associated with object. If the property is found, its value is returned as the primary result value, and the secondary result is true. If the property has not been found, the value of default is returned instead as the value, and the foundp flag will be false. The default value for default itself is nil.

The property-value function is setf-able, provided, that a suitable method on update-property-list exists for the argument object:

  • Function (setf property-value) new-value object indicator &optional defaultnew-value

    Note, that default is ignored here.

Besides using setf, an application can modify object property lists by various other functions provided here.

  • Function update-property-value object indicator modifier &key test test-notresult

    Updates a single property of object atomically, by invoking the modifier on the old value (if any), and installing the primary return value as the property's new value.

    The modifier must be a function (lambda (old-value presentp) ...) returning two values: the new property value, and another value that it wishes update-property-value to return. The function will receive the old property value (or nil) as first argument, and a generalized boolean value that indicates, whether the property was present or not.

    The property list will be updated only, if the old value is not considered equal under test (or test-not, depending on the flavour of comparison chosen.) The default test is eql.

    This function returns whatever the modifier function returned as its secondary value.

    This function is provided as a courtesy for code that needs to update only a single property, but needs the update to happen atomically in a similar way as it does for update-property-list. In this case, using this function is more convenient.

  • Function ensure-property object indicator constructorfoundp stored-value

    Ensures, that there is a property named indicator associated with object. If such a property already exists in the property list, this function does nothing. Otherwise, it invokes the given constructor function, and stores whatever that function returns, as the value of the property in the object's plist.

    The constructor function should not have any side-effects, as it can be invoked multiple times in a row in lisp implementations, where update-property-list performs the updates atomically.

    This function returns as primary value foundp a flag, which indicates, whether the property did already exists (true), or not (false). The second value stored-value is the property value associated with the given indicator after the call.

    Note, that even if the constructor function is invoked by this function, there is no guarantee as to whether its return value actually makes it into the "final" version of the property list. The stored-value returned by this function may be one installed by a concurrently running thread winning the race.

  • Function delete-property object indicatorvalue foundp

    Removes the property named by indicator from the property list of object. The primary result value is the form value associated with the property (nil, if the property was not found). The secondary value foundp is a boolean flag, which is true, if the property was found (and removed), and false, if no matching property exists.

  • Function delete-properties object &optional whichremoved

    Removes all properties from the property associated with object, which match the value of which. The following values are supported for the which argument:

    • t instructs the function to remove all properties
    • a list of indicators (symbols) cause the function to remove all properties, whose indicators are listed here

    The default value for which is t, causing all properties to be removed.

    This function returns another plist, which contains all the key/value pairs removed.

  • Function delete-properties-if-not predicate objectremoved

    This is a generalized version of remove-properties, which removes all those entries, that do not match predicate. The value of predicate must be a function of two arguments. The first one is the property indicator, and the second one the associated value. If the function returns true, the property kept, otherwise it is removed from the property list.

    This function returns another plist, which contains all the key/value pairs removed.

  • Function delete-properties-if predicate objectremoved

    This is a generalized version of remove-properties, which removes all those entries, that match predicate. The value of predicate must be a function of two arguments. The first one is the property indicator, and the second one the associated value. If the function returns true, the property is removed, otherwise it is kept in the property list.

    This function returns another plist, which contains all the key/value pairs removed.

  • Function map-over-properties function objectobject

    Invokes function for all key/value pairs in the property list associated with object. The function is called with the indicator as first, and the value as second argument, and its return value is ignored.

    Map-over-properties returns the value of the object argument.

  • Macro do-properties ( key value ) object &body body

    Evaluates the object form, and obtains the property list of the resulting value. Then introduces new bindings for the names supplied as key and value. For each key/value pair in that property list, sets key to the pair's key and value to the associated value and evaluates all forms in body sequentially.

    The body of a do-properties form is an implicit tagbody. Also, this macro establishes an anonymous block around its expansion. Unless body establishes a result value by returning from that block, the result of the do-properties form is nil.

The following functions exist for compatibility reasons. They should not be used in new code:

  • Function remove-properties object &optional whichremoved

    Old name of delete-properties. Obsolete.

  • Function remove-property object indicatorvalue found

    Old name of delete-property. Obsolete.

  • Function remove-properties-if predicate objectremoved

    Old name of delete-properties-if. Obsolete.

  • Function remove-properties-if-not predicate objectremoved

    Old name of delete-properties-if-not. Obsolete.


This library provides a simple mixin class, which can be added to an application's class hierarchy in order to gain automatic support for property lists.

  • Class property-support

    By mixing this class into a class hierarchy, all instances gain support for property-list and update-property-list, and thus, for all the accessor and modifier functions defined in here, which are built on top of these functions.

    The property list is stored in a slot named property-list.

    Applications should never manipulate the contents of this slot, as it may not directly contain the property list, but may instead hold some kind of wrapper (maybe even a structure instance).

  • Initarg property-list list

    This initarg can be used with all instances of property-support to initialize the instance's property list. The name is intentionally not a keyword.

    Note, that support for this initarg is added by a method on shared-initialize, not in the slot declaration. The value supplied as list is always (shallowly) copied.


(defclass node (property-support) ())

(defclass parent-node (node)
  ((children :initform nil)))
(defclass child-node (node)
  ((parent :initform nil)))
(defclass inner-node (parent-node child-node) 
(defvar *node* (make-instance 'inner-node 'property-list (list 'id 16 'display-name "Folder")))

(property-value *node* 'id) ;; => 16
(property-value *node* 'display-name) ;; => "Folder"

To add property lists to an application defined structure type, you have to

  • add a slot of type list to the structure type (it usually should have an initial value of () and not be read-only)

  • use the define-structure-property-list "declaration" to derive property support for your structure type.


(defstruct (handle (:copier nil) 
                   (:constructor make-handle (value &optional plist-init 
                                              &aux (plist (copy-list plist-init)))))
  (value 0 :type fixnum :read-only t)
  (plist nil :type list))
(define-structure-property-list handle handle-plist)

Atomic Updates

The implementation in this library updates the property lists atomically.

Important If you want to use the structure property list feature with ECL, you want to define the structure type with atomics:defstruct instead of cl:defstruct in order to get special atomic accessor support.

Missing Support for SYMBOL-PLIST

This module does not map PROPERTY-LIST to SYMBOL-PLIST for symbols, though doing so seems be trivial. However, the way atomic property updates work in some implementations is not easily adaptable to what needs to be stored in a symbol's plist slot. Since I rarely use property lists of symbols (somewhat funny, as I use them for other stuff all the time), I decided to not open that can of worms right now.

Iteration Macros

  • Macro named-loop name (&rest bindings) &body body

    This operator is inspired by Scheme's named-let feature, though less general. Each of the bindings is a list of the form ( variable form ). This macro binds each of the mentioned names variable to the result of evaluating its initializer form, and then evaluates the forms of body like progn. The values of the last evaluated form are returned as the values of the whole operation.

    Visible in body is an operator, whose name is name, which takes as many required arguments as there are binding forms in bindings. When called, each of the bound variables are get their values reassigned from the arguments, and the execution restarts. Note, that it is currently unspecified, whether the operator is implemented as (local) function or a macro. Using something like #'name is an error.


    (defun my-length (list)
      (named-loop next ((list list) (count 0))
        (if (consp list)
            (next (cdr list) (1+ count))

    The whole operator is similar in spirit to the construct

    (labels ((next (list count)
               (if (consp list) 
                   (next (cdr list) (1+ count))
      (next list 0))

    though the expansion is different. This code tries to make sure, that tail calls can be eliminated by the compiler.

  • Macro label name (&rest bindings) &body body

Event Notification

This library provides a simple facility for event notifications. The feature is split into low-level support code, and a ready to use high level mixin-class.

The symbols described here are provide by the package. For the benefit of old code, they are also still available via the package, but that should be considered deprecated.

High-Level API

  • Generic Function add-observer observer source &key test key identityresult found

    Add the given observer to source's set of registered event observers, unless it is already present.

    This function tests for the presence of observer by searching for an element e among the observers, whose key value (i.e., the result of applying the key function to e) compares equal to the identity value according to the test predicate. The default key function is identity, and the default test predicate is eql. Unless explicitly supplied otherwise, the identity value searched for is (funcall key observer).

    If the observer is not yet present, it is added. The result is observer in this case, and found is false. If the observer is already present, the value of result is the one found, and found is true.

  • Generic Function remove-observer observer source &key test keyresult found

    Removes the observer object from the set of observers of source, whose key value (the result of applying key to the object) is equal to observer according to the test predicate. The default key function is identity, and the default test predicate is eql.

    If no matching observer is found, the value of result is nil, and found is false. Otherwise, the matching entry is removed destructively, and returned as result from this function; found is true in this case.

  • Generic Function notify-observers source eventundefined

    Notify all observers registered on source, that the event described by event has occurred. This is a nop, if no observers have been registered for source.

  • Generic Function observe-event observer source eventundefined

    Invoked to notify observer, that the event described by event has occurred with respect to object source. There is no default method.

    • Method observe-event ( observer function ) source eventundefined

      Invokes function observer passing source and event as arguments. The result is ignored.

  • Class observable

    A class, which can be mixed into your application's hierarchy in order to provide simple event notifications. Client code can add and remove observers using the high-level API to instances of this class. Event notifications can be published via notify-observers.

Low-Level API

An "observer chain" (or "chain" for brevity here) is (kind of a) list of lists

(observers1 observers2 ...)

where the elements of each sublist observersk are the actual observer objects. Internally, we use a special structure type for the outer spine for technical reasons. There are two points to this

  • we can update the observer lists in a thread-safe way without having to take a lock via CAS. This is handled automatically by the library.

  • it allows us to easily implement nested scopes, where the occurence of an event in object X should also be propagated to the observers registered on X's set of ancestors in some application-defined hierarchy.

The second use case requires cooperation of your application. Consider the following example:

(defvar *global-chain* (make-observer-chain))

(defclass session ()
  ((local-chain :initarg :local-chain)))
(defclass transaction ()
  ((local-chain :initarg :local-chain)))
(defun start-session ()
  (make-instance 'session :local-chain (make-observer-chain *global-chain*)))
(defun begin-transaction (session)
  (make-instance 'transaction 
                  :local-chain (make-observer-chain (slot-value session 'local-chain))))
(defun commit-transaction (transaction &rest keys)
  ;; Do whatever needs to be done...
  (notify-observers-in-chain (slot-value transaction 'local-chain)
                             transaction `(commit :status :success ,@keys)))

In this scenario, when a transaction is committed, the event notification is automatically propagated across the "scopes" of the hierarchy:

  • first, all observers on the transaction instance itself are notified,
  • then the observers registered for the session, and finally
  • all observers, that had been registered in global scope.

This ordering is guaranteed by the implementation, though the order of invocation within each of these scopes is undefined.

  • Function add-observer-to-chain observer chain &key test key identityresult found

    Add the given observer to the chain, whose container cell is the given chain. If the observer is already present, the chain is not modified.

    This function tests for the presence of observer by searching for an element e in the observer list, whose key value (i.e., the result of applying the key function to e) compares equal to the identity value according to the test predicate. The default key function is identity, and the default test predicate is eql. Unless explicitly supplied otherwise, the identity value searched for is (funcall key observer).

    If the observer is not yet present, it is added by destructively modifying the chain. The result is observer in this case, and found is false. If the observer is already present, the value of result is the one found, and found is true.

  • Function remove-observer-from-chain observer chain &key test keyresult found

    Removes the observer object from the chain link chain, whose key value (the result of applying key to the object) is equal to observer according to the test predicate. The default key function is identity, and the default test predicate is eql.

    If no matching observer is found, the value of result is nil, and found is false. The chain is not modified in this case. Otherwise, the matching entry is removed destructively, and returned as result from this function; found is true in this case.

  • Function notify-observers-in-chain chain source eventundefined

    Use the standard protocol function observe-event to notify each observer in the given chain, that the event described by event has occurred with respect to object source.

  • Macro do-observers-in-chain ( observer-var &rest bindings ) chain-form &body bodynil

    Evaluates chain-form first. Loops over all observer objects in the resulting chain. For each observer, binds observer-var to that object and evaluates the forms in body like progn.

    If bindings are given, those are also made available during each invocation of the body forms. The important point is that the bindings are only established (and their initializer forms are only executed) if there is at least one observer in the chain. Also, each initializer form is evaluated at most once.


    (do-observers-in-chain (observer 
                            (event-count (count-events-in-database))
                            (summary (compute-event-summary event-count))) some-chain
       (notify-subscribers observer event-count summary))

    This macro is intended to be used, when the arguments, you need to pass to event observers, are costly to compute (which the example tries to imply), so you do not want to perform this computation, unless you have at least one observer.

    Also, this macro allows you to choose any code whatsoever to be used as the actual event notification; this allows the use of custom generic functions instead of observe-event with differing parameters.


This library is licensend under the terms of the MIT license:

Copyright (c) 2019 Dirk Esser

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



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