Mini-framework to study possible parameterizations of background and signal
In a CMSSW workarea
cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src
git clone Analysis/Models
scram b -j4
hash -r
After the installation of the package you should have the main executable called FitModel
. The available options can be found by running
FitModel -h
resulting in
Allowed arguments:
Optional arguments:
-h [ --help ] Produce help message.
-v [ --verbose ] arg (=0) More verbose output.
-p [ --profile ] Create profile likelihoods of the fit
-l [ --list_parameters ] List parameters of the chosen fit
models and exit.
-i [ --input_file ] arg ROOT file from which input histograms
are retrieved.
-t [ --input_tree_file ] arg ROOT file from which input tree is
retrieved. If this parameter is not
given a binned fit is performed using
--input_data arg Name of data leaf in the input tree
--input_weight arg Name of weight leaf in the input tree
--input_tree arg Name of the input tree
-o [ --output_directory ] arg (=fitmodel_output/)
Directory where the output is stored.
--fit_min arg Lower bound of the fit range.
--fit_max arg Upper bound of the fit range.
--nbins arg Number of bins in the fit range.
--weighted If events are weighted
-m [ --modify_param ] arg Modify parameters as follows: "name:
[start=<value>,] [min=<value>,]
[max=<value>,] [constant,] [floating]"
Required arguments:
--type arg signal or background
--model arg Name of the model (novosibirsk,
novopsprod, novoeffprod,
novoefffixprod, novopshighMpol4,
crystalball, crystalpsprod,
crystaleffprod, cbeffprod, expeffprod,
doublecb, dijetv1, dijetv1psprod,
dijetv2, dijetv2psprod, dijetv3,
dijetv3effprod, dijetv3logprod,
dijetv4, dijetv4logprod, expgausexp,
gausexp, doublegausexp, triplegausexp,
gausexppsprod, gausexpeffprod,
doublegausexpeffprod, expbwexp, bukin,
bukinpsprod, bernstein, chebychev,
berneffprod, bernefffixprod,
bernpsprod, chebeffprod, breitwigner,
mynovosibirsk, mynovopsprod,
extnovosibirsk, extnovopsprod,
extnovoeffprod, extnovoefffixprod,
extnovologprod, extnovoextlogprod,
extnovohypertanprod, relbreitwigner,
doublegausexp, quadgausexp,
supernovosibirsk, supernovoeffprod,
superdijet, superdijeteffprod,
Whether this is a signal or a background model, it has to be defined via the option --type
The name of the input tree, the varables corresponding to the data to be fitted and the event weights have to be given via parameters --input_tree
, --input_data
and --input_weight
For a --type background
model, fitting an extended novosibirsk function times a gaussian error function (extnovoeffprod) in the range --fit_min 100
to --fit_max 500
the command should be
FitModel -t background_data.root \
--input_tree mssmhbb \
--input_data mbb \
--input_weight weight \
-o results/background_extnovoeff \
--model extnovoeffprod \
--fit_min 100 \
--fit_max 500 \
--nbins 80 \
-m "peak: start=150, min=50, max=300" \
-m "width: start=54" \
-m "tail: start=-0.4" \
-m "par4: start=-0.0006" \
-m "turnon_novoeff: start=90, min=10, max=650" \
-m "slope_novoeff: start=0.02" \
--type background
where the number of bins of the output histogram is --nbins 80
, and the initial parameters of the function and validity regions of the parameters are defined by the options -m "par: start=x", min=y, max=z"
The results are stored in the results/background_extnovoeff
directory defined by the -o [ --output_directory ]