Recommender System in R The Recommender System has been implemented using R Programming language on Windows 10 Operating System.
To run the project, install the below components:
- Install the latest version of R from the URL
- Install the latest version of RStudio from
- Install Rtools33.exe from (Optional. Required if package is to be created)
To Run the Project,
- Open RStudio
- File > Open project
- Browse to the folder where the project is copied and open RecommenderSystem\RecommenderSystem.RProj
- Make sure the input file "train_all_txt.txt" is present in the RecommenderSystem directory.
- CLick on Build > Build and Reload
- The output file "output.txt" will be created in the RecommenderSystem folder. This is the output file to be evaluated. (Note: "output_format_2.txt is a intermediate file in m x n matrix format)
To run a different input:
- Copy the input file to the RecommenderSystem folder
- In RStudio, Open the R file RecommenderSystem\R\RecommenderSystem.R which contains the entire code.
- Update the value of m to number of users.
- Update the value of n to number of items.
- If the input file name is different, update it on the 11th line.
- Click on Build > Build and Reload.