A web platform to maintain a healthy work day. Use the Pomodoro technique to take breaks throughout the day, increase productivity, and grow.
- Product Owner: Derek Young
- Scrum Master: Tenzin Sonam
- Development Team Members: David Chang
- Setup your breaks for every 25 or 50 minutes
- Receive a notification when the timer is up
- Follow the break prompt provided
- When the break is complete, the timer will automatically reset and countdown to the next break; you can get back to enjoying your work
- Node 0.10.x
- Express
- Mongo DB
- Mongoose
- Angular 1.6x
From within the root directory:
~ npm install
~ npm start
* Download MongoDB
* Create db user and update server/db/database.js
* Start MongoDB ~ mongod
* Open localhost:8000
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.